"Friends" remains among the most loved TV sitcoms of this century, which is made more impressive because it’s the only show from over 10 years ago that everyone still seems to be watching on a constant basis. Even now it is still genuinely funny and a lot of people can relate to the friends show. There are tons of situations that we find ourselves relating to Chandler, Joey, Ross, Monica, Phoebe and Rachel. Here are 12 quotes from "Friends" that most likely sum up your life.
1. Don't we all!
Life would be so much easier if we could actually do that!
2. We all know we can't not eat, no matter what.
3. You know this describes yourself! You can't fool anyone!
When you get older, you realize you would rather stay inside and binge on Netflix and fall asleep than party with your friends at a club.
4. Admit it. You sneak in a snort in accidentally when you laugh.
5. Being an idiot is one thing, but admitting it...
6. When you are drunk and you don't wan't to admit it.
Well, I guess I might be a little drunk.
7. You don't need to see happy people after having a crappy day.
Can you please not be happy right now? Thanks.
8. Right on the dot!
This cannot be more true! This describes every guy out there!
9. Pizza - that is what I am thinking about!
Thinking about ordering a pizza is so much easier about thinking about something else.
10. Half of your life consists of just hearing blah-blah-blah.
This is all you hear from college professors and your parents.
11. Running away from your problems like:
Too bad you can't actually run away from problems.
12. Your life in a nutshell.
You wish you knew what you were doing in life. I know I do.