And with that last stroke of finals, we have reached the holiday season-and all that it encompasses. The holiday season is my favorite part of the year, and a lot of other’s unproblematic fave as well. However, while we all love the fun and festive activities that come with time of the year, we all don’t necessarily have the budget for it. But fear not, other-fiscally-responsible-friend! I have compiled a list of my twelve favorite free (or close to it) holiday activities for any person to enjoy!
All is Calm, All is Bright
Christmas decorations are some of my favorite things on the planet, and thus this activity is one of my favorites. As simple as it seems, bundling up in your favorite winter clothes and walking around the neighborhood and looking at decorations is so much fun and a perfect way to really get in the spirit. If you are feeling extra festive, get a bunch of friends, a warm car, and drive around town looking at even more decorations. Blast some Christmas tunes and bust out the hot cocoa and you’ve got a simple, lively, and most importantly, FREE holiday adventure.
Milk and Cookies
And yes, it’s as straightforward as that. Christmas cookies are a staple of the holiday (especially the Pillsbury sugar cookies with the characters on them- oh yeah), and what is better than making junk food and blasting Christmas music? Not much, that’s what. The great part about this one is you can spend as much or as little money as you choose- and make however many cookies you desire!
Now, this Here is a TREE
(You get bonus points for knowing the Christmas movie reference too) Christmas trees are probably the most known symbol for the Christmas season, and Christmas tree farms have TONS of them. Even if you already have a tree, rounding up a group of friends to walk through your local tree farm is a fun and free activity. The scents, the colors, and the overall excitement of the place is enough to get even the most reluctant person into the festive spirit.
The Children Were Nestled All Snug in Their Beds
The holiday season is a time to be with family and friends, and this activity celebrates just that. Having a sleepover with some of your best friends is such a go-to activity, and you can make it festive by wearing fun Christmas pajamas and listening to your favorite Christmas tunes. You can even incorporate some others on this list into your bomb holiday sleepover! I certainly will be…
Become an Architect
Ginger bread houses are a go to Christmas tradition for a lot of families, and can actually be done with little to no money to spare! There isn’t a need to buy the gingerbread house kit (unless of course you want to) when you just as easily can make an even better one out of materials you already have in your pantry! Graham crackers make excellent roofs and walls, and Hershey kisses can be very versatile if you put your mind to it…
Deck the... Malls?
Yes, you read that correctly. While this might not end up being completely free, especially if you have shopaholic friends like me, it certainly is very festive and gets you excited for the holidays. Not only is the entire mall itself decorated, most stores have festive windows and storefronts to ring in the season even further. And we of course can’t forget about the big man himself- even you don’t want to wait in the crazy long lines to meet Santa, it’s always fun to people-watch those who choose to!
The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer is Singing Loud For All to Hear
While this activity may not be for everyone, it certainly can be very fun with the right group. Christmas caroling is an old fashioned, super-fun way to celebrate the season, and is actually starting to make a comeback. Professional voices are not required, just the longing to have fun and spread the holiday cheer. Who knows, you might start a tradition between you and your friends
Spread the Love
Not everyone is able to have a traditional Christmas. Especially during the holiday season, it’s so important to give and not just receive. Volunteering is such a fun way to show your holiday spirit. There are always many openings at food pantries or homeless shelters or even hospitals. I have done at least one every year in the past and it has been incredibly rewarding experience- everyone deserves to have happy holidays.
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Holiday concerts are everywhere throughout the month of December, and most of them are free of cost! Community centers, town groups, churches, and even high schools are known for their festive holiday performances that cover a wide variety of music styles and genres. Pick your favorite, pick a pal, and let the music get you in the spirit!
Ho Ho Ho
You simply can’t beat Christmas movies – Elf, A Christmas Story, It’s a Wonderful Life, Christmas Vacation- the list goes on and on. There is not a simpler way to get in the Christmas spirit than picking a bunch of your faves and having a movie marathon with a bunch of your fave people. Not a bad way to avoid the cold weather either…
Ice, Ice Baby
While this one might not be totally free, it’s definitely worth the price. Many cities will have seasonal outdoor rinks at very cheap prices. There’s festive lighting, festive music, and of course, the opportunity to slide around on a big sheet of shatter resistant ice for hours and hours. If you’re looking for a fun holiday date, this is definitely the one for you!
All the Lights
And to round up the list, the simplest and sweetest choice of all. You may remember laying under the Christmas tree at a young age- I sure do at least. Well, it’s simply that easy. You honestly can’t beat the simplistic joy that come from seeing the lights and glimpses of ornaments and feeling the joy and excitement of the Christmas season. Also, the warm and cozy feeling of the lights on your face ain’t too bad either!
Whatever you choose to do, do what makes you happy with the ones that make you happy. Surround yourself with love and happiness and have a great holiday season!