New Years Resolution to be healthier this year? Then Instagram is a good place to start! There are so many fitness Instagram accounts out there that can help you reach your fitness goals. Instagram also makes it easy to save the fitness posts so you can try the workout next time you hit the gym. Most Instagram fitness accounts include health in all aspects and diet by showing you easy and nutritious recipes. I've narrowed down some of the best fitness Instagram accounts so you can reach your 2018 goals and hopefully stay on track.
Here are the 12 best fitness Instagram accounts that will help you reach your 2018 fitness goals
1. Suzie B - @suzie_kb
Suzie shows you many workouts including HIIT (high-intensity interval training) in many of them to help you tone up fast.
2. Tara Crosley - @tcrosleyfit
Trust the gymnast who creates workouts to help you get lean physique with a focus on strong legs.
3. Whitney Simmons - @whitneyysimmons
Whitney demonstrates how to do full body workouts and even has her own online fitness clothing line.
4. Krissy Cela - @krissycela
Krissy shows how you can always find time for a workout...she's a third-year law student. She also has student based fitness plans to help with time management.
5. Alexia Clark- @alexia_clark
Alexia incorporates balance into her workouts to get the whole body into it, she's also big on smaller weights with higher reps to tone rather than bulk up.
6. Nina Munoz - @_ninamunoz
Nina is the queen of arm workouts in my opinion. If you want tone arms and body go follow her!
7. Kyla Ritchie - @kyritchfit
Kyla has total body workouts on her Instagram but her ab workouts are especially killer if you want sore abs for days, follow her.
8. Faith Leatherman - @faithlfit
Faith demonstrates workouts from beginner to advanced. She uses a lot of dumbbells and kettlebells in her workouts, so you don't need much equipment!
9. Kayla Itsines - @kayla_itsines
Probably the biggest Instagram fitness account, I'm sure you all know of Kayla already, but still a great follow!
10. Beverley Cheng - @beverleycheng
Beverley shows a lot of workouts using resistance bands that look somewhat easy but in reality, you'll be so sore the next day.
11. Julie Anna Fleming - @julieannaflemingg
Julie Anna demonstrates all kinds of workouts but her main focus is glutes, many of her workouts include lunges which kill, but you'll see results from the pain!
12. Katy Hearn - @katyhearnfit
This trainer shows you how to be strong and toned, she even owns Katy Hearn Gym in Indiana!