You know when you get mad at your microwave for not cooking your pizza rolls all the way through and it’s more than likely because you put 30 rolls on a single paper plate? Yeah, it’s really not that big of a deal. Here are 12 first world problems that, in hindsight, really aren’t that big of a deal:
- Your iPhone charger won’t reach all the way to your bed
- Accidentally clicking on Internet Explorer when you meant to click on Google Chrome
- Too many unpopped kernels in your bag of popcorn
- Your house isn't a Pokéstop
- Not being able to find the remote
- Having to put a new roll of toilet paper on the...toilet paper holder thingy
French Fries are just a tad too salty
- The restaurant you're at has Pepsi products, not Coke
- When they forget to put the caramel on your skinny caramel latte
- When you get a new iPhone and you get confused because the apps are in different places
- When your earbuds are tangled
- Pouring the cereal and realizing youre out of milk
We'll get through this together.