Many of my friends and those closest to me know, I am extremely obsessed with sloths. I could be considered a sloth guru if you really want to go that far. Here are some facts about sloths you may (or hopefully may not) have known about these delightfully slow creatures.
1. There are two families of LIVING sloths- the two-toed and the three-toed sloths.
The two-toed sloth can move faster than it's extra toed relative. Both are equally as cute though
2. Sloths can host symbiotic algae on their fur.
The sloths move so slowly it actually allows the algae time to grow on them.
3. The reason sloths move so slowly is due to their extremely slow metabolism.
This metabolism structure allows sloths to conserve energy. Sloth eating habits include tree leaves, which while it doesn't provide much in the way of nutrition, definitely provides a good amount of cellulose, which is very hard to digest.
4. Which means, sloths only use the restroom about once a week.
5. Sloths can rotate their feet 180 degrees in order to grab tree branches more effectively.
To put it into perspective, a ballerina can only pivot their foot 90 degrees.
6. Sloths are amazing swimmers, they can swim 3 times faster than they can walk on the ground
Especially when it is mating season. Nothing faster than a male sloth going after his lady.
7. When a lady sloth is ready to mate, she screams.
The scream sounds like a high pitched whistle and lasts for about 4 seconds. Males will here the call and begin the journey to her.
8. It appears that females are selective about who they choose to mate with.
No one knows particularly why they are, or what traits they are going after.
9. After mating, males will guard the female for up to a couple of days.
Again, no one knows why. It could be because he doesn't want other males getting to her, or protecting the prime tree real estate. Who really knows
10. Sloth bodies are only 25% muscle!
To compare- humans have a range of between 38-54% muscle
11. Young sloths can mistakenly grab their own arms thinking that they are branches, and fall.
Poor little dears, they don't know better.
12. Finally, sloths are just plain cute!
I mean, how could you resist the little face!?