Facebook is an intricate network that has given us the opportunity to keep up with those we come into contact with. Some of them have their flaws, but your Facebook feed would not be quite the same or nearly as entertaining without them.
1. Beauty School Super Star
This individual is pursuing the art of cosmetology. They brag about their "Student of the Month" certificate and frequently ask for models via Facebook status. This friend makes you feel bad about your messy-bun-and-sweatpants days.
2. Independent Woman
This Facebook friend can be a male or female. They share an excessive amount of text photos about how they are "fine on my own" or "just doing me." Oddly enough, they also emphasize the fact that they are single as if trying to no longer be single.
3. Grandma Betty
You guessed it, this friend has no idea how Facebook functions, much less their own computer. They comment on and like everything you post and are probably voting for Trump.
4. Baby Factory
A lot of us have many mothers on our Facebook feed. This specific mother, however, has so many children that it's as if she has a deadline and a quota for how quickly she reproduces. Her Facebook statuses are written with poor grammar, and you've seen at least four different photos of her children in her bathtub.
5. The One You Love to Hate
Hate is a strong word, but that's the reason for this person's existence on your news feed. You keep them around to judge their poor choices in significant others and to laugh at their misfortune. They earned this position most likely by bullying you sometime in the 6th-12th grade.
6. The Happy Couple
This bizarre friend comes in two (unfortunately) not-so-rare forms. First, is the joint profile. They are madly in love, but they don't trust each other enough to keep their Facebook pages separate. The other option is that, although they have separate Facebook pages, the only people they tag or take photos with is each other so they have essentially the same feeds. If you are bitterly single, you despise all of the aforementioned options for this friend.
7. The One That is Always Selling Something
We all have this friend. We block one of them and another pops up. I'm looking at you people who sell Unique, It Works, or some other individually based business scam. Please, get a different job.
8. The Political Know-It-All
The candidate that this friend supports is irrelevant. However, the mud that they have slung at the other candidates is all over their facebook page. Also, if you post anything slightly related to politics, they will comment and probably disagree with every word you've said. The only time this friend is fun to have on Facebook is when they get so heated that you pop popcorn just to watch their most recent Facebook argument.
9. The Tumblr Addict
The only thing they post is screenshots of Tumblr threads. They most likely have an affinity for Nicholas Cage. They also belong to a fandom that you don't fully understand, so most of what they post you ignore.
10. The Free Spirit
Diagnose as the free spirit if they enjoy six of the following nine things: marijuana, hooping, tie-dye, dreadlocks, dream catchers, intricate chalk art, handmade flower crowns, the 70s, the word wanderlust.
11. The (Not a) Professional Photographer
This Facebook friend has spent too much money on a high-tech camera. They now think that the quality of photos that their camera can take is influenced by them. They post pictures of their models. Models in this context actually means close-friend-who-had-time-to-kill. Uses the hashtags #photography and #art.
12. Money Bags
This person has taken and posted a photo with every dollar he's ever earned. Voted Most Likely to Take a Picture with a Ferrari and claim it was his in high school.