Depression is one of the most common mental disorders with one in 33 children and one in eight adults having clinical depression. Many people who don't have depression find it very difficult to understand and sometimes people find themselves saying things they really shouldn't. Depression isn't "having a bad day" or "being stressed out", depression is a mental illness. With that being said here a list of twelve things that you should neversay to people with depression:
1. "Just deal with it, life goes on."
No life doesn't "go on" when you have depression. The feeling don't just go away with some sleep. Depression is constantly with you.
2. "You're so lazy, you don't do anything!"
Its not laziness. Saying these kinds of things to people who have depression just makes them feel worse.
3. "Other people have it so much worse than you do, what do you even have to be depressed about?"
Depression isn't about how good or bad your life is. I repeat, it is a mental disorder, not someone complaining about their life saying "its making them depressed."
4. "Its just a bad day, you'll feel better tomorrow."
Again, depression doesn't just go away.5. "I know how you feel, I was depressed once."
This is one of those comments that make you just stare at them for a good three minutes and try not to say something rude back.
6. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself."
This is one of those comments that can never help someone. It comes off rude and definitely shouldn't be said to someone that is sharing all of their emotions with you.
7. "Just be happy, its a choice."
Being happy when you have depression isn't "just a choice."
8. "You're just looking for attention."
No ... just no.
9. "Why can't you just be normal?"
In my opinion, "normal" doesn't really exist. Everyone is unique and different. Create your own "normal" and stop asking others to try to live up to yours. Let everyone be themselves and create their own "normal."
10. "Go out and have some fun — that's what I do when I'm sad."
Being sad is not the same as being depressed, and making comments like this just make the person feel unloved.
11. "You're bringing me down."
This is one of those comments that don't do any good for either party. Saying things like this just makes the person feel like they now are ruining your day as well as their own. All this will do is make it so they won't tell you things in the future because of the fear of "ruining your day" or "bringing you down."
12. "You're being selfish."
Saying things like "you're being selfish" just makes them more disappointed in themselves and doesn't help with anything.
What you should say and do when your friend, family member, or other loved one has depression.
Always make sure to be supportive and loving. Stay away from comments like the ones above that can make the situation worse or cause the loved one to just push themselves away from you. There is no real way for you to help their depression "go away," but with love and support you can help make their lives filled with happiness when you are around.
Understand that they won't always want to leave the house. Sometimes its a good time to just lay around and watch movies. Remember that if they are telling you their feelings, they trust you. Make sure to not ruin that trust.
Crack jokes, cause smilies, make every time a good time. Just because someone has depression doesn't mean they are not ever happy. Have fun and make some good memories.