12 Days Of College Christmas | The Odyssey Online
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12 Days Of College Christmas

You might not be able to buy some, but they're definitely on you college student's wish list!

12 Days Of College Christmas

Every year billions of dollars are spent in the holiday season to get everyone the perfect gift. Though this may seem joyful it is incredibly stressful for everyone. If you're shopping for a college student this year, here are the 12 days of christmas preferred by college students. Without any more hesitation, on the first day of Christmas a college student needs...

1. A 4.0

Easily the number one most requested gift this holiday season. In high demand but very hard to obtain.

2. Two feet of snow

Just something to get class canceled. Strike that, ANYTHING to get class canceled.

3. Three handles of Vodka

Obviously for our 21 and up students. But they are going to need something to get through finals week.

4. Four pairs of sweatpants

The one's your college student are wearing probably haven't been washed in a while, and people are starting to notice.


Honestly probably most needed. They need at least a semester to get over finals week. It is quite horrifying

6. Six hundred dollars

Every college student knows, the struggle of being broke. From eating out to buying textbooks, even a dollar would help.

7. Seven hours of silence

With the sound of panic from finals, and the voices in your head telling you you're going to fail, a little silence would never hurt.

8. Eight bus tickets

Why? To escape your problems instead of handling them. College students are really good at this, probably could major in it.

9. Nine cups of coffee

Your college student will be up till at least 3 am every night before finals week. Highly recommended nine cups of coffee...an hour.

10. Ten cases of Ramen

It's cheap, filling, quick, and will give just enough energy to get through the day.

11. Eleven dogs

If you even try to argue that dogs don't make you feel better, you ,my friend, are a liar.

12. Twelve boxes of tissues

For all the tears they will cry. Before, during, and after finals.

Christmas shopping is done for you. You're welcome.

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