I'm coming up on my last few months here at UNH, and it's dawned upon me that I've barely taken advantage of all that the seacoast area has to offer me. Maybe it's because this is the first year I had my own car to use, or maybe because I never realized how much I had around me, but as my time here comes to a close one of my biggest goals is to take advantage of it all before I leave. New England is probably the best place to be for the fall, and UNH is conveniently located next to a ton of seasonal attractions so here's a comprehensive list of fun weekend activities to keep you busy all year long!
1. Colby Sunflower Farm
Colby Farm is located in Newbury, MA, which is about a 45 minute drive from campus. There's an adorable little farmers market that sells a ton of awesome snacks and, most importantly, the most amazing cider donuts. The sunflower fields are getting towards the end of their bloom for this season, so I would strongly recommend making this trip sooner rather than later.
2. Rye/Hampton/Jenness State Park Beach
Obviously beach season is coming to a close, but a reminder for next year that you aboslutely have to spend as much time as you can at these beaches before it's too late. And if you do go to Rye, you absolutely have to stop at Summer Sessions Surf Shop for amazing coffee, bagels and acai bowls.
3. Kittery Outlets
If you have a serious shopping problem (like me), then you've probably already been here but there's no better way to kill time than shopping at the Kittery Outlets. They have a wide array of stores and there are always killer sales going on at any point in the year.
4. Portland, ME
Portland is a super cool and cultural place that's well known for the amazing food options. I'm super passionate about food and will travel just about anywhere for a good burger, so if you're just as passionate I would strongly recommend taking the hour long drive to explore the artsy little town. It's like Portsmouth, but on steroids.
5. Mount Major
I'm sure everyone is well aware of this one, but it's still a must-do. It's a pretty easy hike so it doesn't require all too much skill and the view is absolutely breathtaking once you've reached the top. Mt. Major is located in Alton, NH so the car ride is a little under an hour.
6. White Mountain National Forest
This mountain range is a little further from camper and definitely a lot more difficult than the Mt. Major hike, but totally worth it. The National Park has a lot more to offer than just hikes, with gorgeous scenery and hidden paths all over the place. The White Mountains have been on my UNH bucket list since freshmen year and now that I have my car I'll definitely be making the trip soon before fall quickly turns to winter. This trip is about 2 hours but definitely a good one to put down in the books.
7. Wagon Hill Farm
This is just a staple of every UNH undergrad's experience here. You have to take the trip, it's basically a rite of passage. If you go soon, you'll be able to scope out the fresh produce available across the street at Emery Farm as well.

8. DeMeritt Hill Farm/Emery Farm
Either are great for apple picking aka the reason fall even exists aka the reason for our unrealistic relationship goals. This another trip I'd make sooner rather than later. One: because it's going to get chilly out real soon and two: because apparently there's an apple shortage at some of the farms. So if you're into apple picking for more than the cute Instagram opportunities and genuinely care about your Granny Smith's, I'd get going. Both farms are about a 15-20 minute drive from campus. They also offer pumpkin picking, cider donuts, ya know - typical fall stuff.
9. Wiswall Dam
You've probably already done this by now, and it's a little too cold at this point, but jumping off the Wiswall Dam is a must-happen activity before graduation. It's in Durham, so it's barely a 10 minute drive from the center of campus and it's wicked fun. There's rope swings, the bridge jump - lots to do with all your friends.
10. Ice Castles in Lincoln, NH
Here's a reason to actually look forward to winter: visiting the Ice Castles. If you were ever obsessed with Ice Princess or the part in Sharkboy & Lava Girl where there's a legitimate ice princess in her ice castle, then this is the activity for you. The ride is about an hour and 45 minutes but when will you ever enter an ice castle again?
11. Loon Mountain
You could probably turn this day trip into a weekend get away, but everyone should definitely take advantage of how close we are to a ton of different ski resorts. Loon is the closest, about an hour and 45 minutes away as well, but there are a lot of other options for any time of winter sport you're looking for.
12. Bonus: Weekend Trip to Montreal
Depending on your definition of a long car ride, this trip isn't too terrible - especially if you can make a weekend out of it. Montreal is a really cool place to visit, the nightlife is fun, the shopping is awesome and the culture is super vibrant. If you don't mind sitting in a car for 4 and a half hours, take the trip. It'll be a fun memory to create with your friends while you're here.
So if you're ever bored on the weekends, wondering why you never have anything to do and what Durham has to offer, here's a quick list. The town of Durham may be an incredible place to live, but it's time we started taking advantage of our proximity to so much else.