12 Things Curly Haired Girls Know All Too Well | The Odyssey Online
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12 Things Curly Haired Girls Know All Too Well

It never looks the same two days in a row.

girl with curly hair
Personal Photo

If you're like me and have grown up with naturally curly hair your whole life, we probably have a LOT in common when it comes to shared hair experiences. Having naturally curly hair is always an adventure.

Everything from the weather to what kind of pillowcase you sleep on can have an impact on how your hair looks on a given day, and having a go-to style on a bad hair day is a must. There a plenty of things to hate (and of course love) about having naturally curly hair, and here are just a few of them.

1. Your hair looks different when you blow dry it and when you let it air dry. 

For me, it almost always looks a bit frizzier when I blow dry it, but the heat also gives it more volume. However, since I tend to shower at night, I almost always end up letting it air dry especially since it's healthier for your hair.

2. It also looks different depending on which shampoo/conditioner and products you use. 

When you have curly hair, the ingredients in your hair products matter. Products that contain sulfates and other harmful chemicals can make hair appear frizzier and even cause it to dry out and/or break. Products that are specific to curly hair and use natural ingredients almost always make my hair look way better than generic products.

3. You definitely have a favorite curl gel, mousse, or cream. 

My personal favorite gel is the DevaCurl Arc Angel Gel, because I find that it gives me the most defined and frizz-free curls. I run it in my hair while it is still soaking wet and scrunch it in, and it ends up giving me super soft, bouncy curls.

4. Your routine probably involves you spending a lot of time with your head flipped upside down. 

When you have curly hair, your roots tend to want to lie flat on your head, so you have to get creative. For almost every curl girl I know, that involves flipping our hair upside at some point or another during our washing and styling routine to encourage the roots to lift. I personally shampoo my scalp upside down, comb my conditioner through upside down, and then put in my curl gel upside down. I also alternate blow drying upside down and standing normally when I go that styling route.

5. You either have shower walls that are often covered in chunks of hair, or a shower drain that is perpetually clogged. 

I don't care what any other hair type says, naturally curly hair is the WORST when it comes to shedding, especially in the shower. This is due to the fact that must girls with curly hair only brush/comb it when it is wet to avoid looking like a mushroom head, so all of the loose hair that doesn't get brushed out comes out in the shower. I personally stick it to my shower wall and wipe it off with a paper towel when I get done to avoid my drain getting clogged as often.

6. You rarely if ever brush your hair when it is dry. 

Brushing curly hair when it is dry is a recipe for giant frizzy disaster. When you brush out curly hair, it does not straighten it out, it just makes it appear "bigger," sort of like Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter, which is not a look must curly headed girls are after.

7. People are constantly touching your hair, often with no prior warning. 

A lot of girls love having their hair played with. However, I and almost every other curly headed girl I know does not want someone randomly touching our hair after we've just styled it for the day, because once it has been messed up, I will not go back to looking decent until it gets washed again. The only time I don't mind my hair being played with is when I know I'm going to wash it soon.

8. You are a huge fan of scrunchies. 

Scrunchies are a curly girl's best friend. They're big and strong enough to hold all of our hair, they don't leave creases as easily as regular hair ties, and they cause the least amount of damage to hair of all types. I almost always have a scrunchie either in my hair or on my wrist, and the same is true for almost every curly headed girl I know.

9. You have (or want) a silk or satin pillowcase. 

Cotton pillowcases are really not great for any hair type, but they're especially bad for curly girls since our hair is already prone to frizz and breakage. Silk and satin pillowcases allow for a smoother surface that minimizes hair damage during sleep.

10. You have a go-to style for when your hair is dirty or your curls aren't cooperating. 

I wear my hair in a messy bun at least 3 times a week, sometimes more, because some days my hair just doesn't want to work with me. A messy bun is my go-to, because my curls are typically messy anyway, and it's easy to just throw it up and go since I do it so often.

11. Dry shampoo has saved your hair day more than once. 

Whether you stretched your wash cycle a day too far and your roots are looking a little oily, or your hair is just looking a bit flat and needs a pick me up, there is basically nothing that dry shampoo can't help with. If dry shampoo didn't exist, I would be in big trouble some days when it comes to my hair.

12. Despite the hassle, you really do love your curls, and you wouldn't trade them for anything. 

There's no doubt that it's incredibly frustrating to have to spend ages detangling your hair in the shower only for it to get tangly again the minute you step out, but nothing beats walking into a room on a good hair day and having someone walk up and say, "Oh my gosh, I wish I had your hair!"

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