Here are 12 things every college student should have:
1. A Pocket Stapler
Yes, a stapler, but pocket sized. Forgot to staple your papers? Done. Your friend forgot to as well? Solved. There’s nothing to explain about it – it does the job just as well as any other stapler, but it’s just less clunky.
2. Amazon Prime
It just makes your life so much more affordable. And, as a college student, every penny saved is crucial.
3. An eBay Account
Sell your unwanted items here, and have a little bit of extra cash – perhaps to then spend on Amazon??
4. A Personal Printer
Be careful, because others will want to use your printer too. But, it’s much better than going down to the library, or in the case of some schools, paying to use a printer. Just have your own printer, and eliminate hassle.
5. Friends
Yeah, I threw that curveball. I know how it is to be antisocial, as well as a social butterfly. Throw yourself out there, make some connections, and enjoy yourself a little bit more.
6. Organizational Skills
It’s college. Not high school. You shouldn’t be rummaging through your bag in the hallway to find an assignment anymore. Perhaps, use a binder for a change?
7. Good Internet
As school becomes increasingly reliant on the Internet, investing in quality Internet is probably a good idea.
8. A Personal Laptop
This goes hand-in-hand with Internet. Before you buy solid Internet, make sure you can actually get on it with something. You could use the public access computers, but those aren’t always available.
9. A Lock/Lockbox
Are we on a chain? A lock is great to protect your personal valuables – perhaps, a laptop?
10. A Job
Even if you’re superhuman and got your entire schooling paid for, or someone else is paying it for you, getting a job isn’t a bad idea. It gives you money to maybe start paying off some student loans, buy some things that you really don’t need, or even illegal items that you know you’ll get busted for buying. Imagine selling on eBay and having a job. How cool would that be?
11. A Sleep Schedule
Something I currently don’t have!! It’s 12:21 AM right now, and I’ll most likely be up until 2, before waking up at 8 for a shift of work. Since I don’t have anything Sunday, tomorrow may be a 4 AM type of night. Don’t be like me. Create a time when you can put away technology and actually get a good night of sleep.
12. A Good Alarm Clock
Let’s just say the Sonic Boom alarm clock has been saving me BIG TIME this past week.