Being a camp counselor is the best job on Earth. You're basically getting paid to remind kids to put on sunscreen and take headcounts while playing games and getting a tan. However, there are, without fail, those certain types of kids, some you love and some you hate, that you will run into at any and every summer camp you work at.
The camper who glues themselves to their counselor
Like come on...make friends your own age
The kid with a peanut allergy
Aaaand now the entire camp is peanut free.
The one who cries about EVERYTHING
Win, lose, first in line, last in line, it doesn't matter. This kid is about to have a meltdown no matter what.
The kid that would rather sit in the corner and read
Kids' reading is great and all, but you could literally put a bounce house with a ball pit and a slide in front of them and they would still ask to sit out and read.
The cute little kid that no one can say no to
I could you ever say no to that face?
The camper that is hilarious without even trying to be
There's always the one that says the funniest things without even trying to be funny. Their personality is just comedic gold and they're going to have to live with the fact that they'll never be a part of the joke because oftentimes they are the joke.
The kid that you want your future kid to be just like
Basically, this means there is one kid that has basic manners AND cares for people other than themselves AT THE SAME TIME.
The C.I.T. that requires more supervision than the campers
Aren't C.I.T.s supposed to make your life easier?
The middle schooler that has a HUGE crush on one of the C.I.T.s
And let me just say, they aren't hiding it well.
This kid just has a story to tell about everything. I literally had a kid tell me the "funny story" about how he got his water bottle. Spoiler: it wasn't a funny story and it was no longer than 15 minutes.
The kid who is obviously only there because their parents forced them
They're not afraid to let you know that they don't want to be there either.
The kid who eats straight sugar for breakfast
There's no other humanly possible way for a kid to have that kind of energy.