I'm sure most of us are brought up thinking our parents know everything. I myself grew up constantly being told that my parents were the most knowledgeable people on Earth, and that everything they said was to be taken as truth. But as an adult, I've come to realize they were actually 99.9% full of crap. Below I've listed some of the ridiculous things my parents told me that turned out to be pure baloney.
That skin color, religious views, financial class, body size, or anything else could make someone "inferior" to others.
It's funny, because I was also taught that "God loves all his children." But, somehow, that no longer mattered when God's child was my overweight friend or a homeless man begging for change on the side of the highway.
That you can always come out on top if you just try your hardest.
Doesn't that participation trophy mean anything?
That one bad grade would ruin my life forever.
I have yet to have an employer, college counselor, or landlord ask about that "F" in Algebra from 9th grade.
That my "silly hobbies" wouldn't amount to anything.
In case you haven't noticed...this is an article that I wrote...a published article that I wrote. Are all those stories I wrote as a kid still looking so "silly" now?
That losing my virginity would make me less of a person.
Is that why I haven't grown since junior high?
That my worth should be defined by my appearance.
Adults don't have acne, braces, or body odor - only lazy teenagers do.
If that's true, then some of my friends have been teenagers for like, 10 years now.
Nothing is more important than wealth.
Don't get me wrong, having some extra cash in my bank account will always be exciting. But, there are more important things than how much money someone has.
A college education would solve all my problems.
Three years, one degree, and $10,500 in student loans later, and I still have just as many problems as I did before I enrolled.
My future relationships were doomed if I couldn't learn to love cleaning, cooking, and other domestic duties.
Unless I've somehow managed to find the one boy on Earth who cares more about who I am as a person than how excited I am to take the trash out.
That none of my friends would "still be into this gay phase" after highschool
Sorry to break it to you guys, but all of my friends that were gay in high school are still gay. In fact, some of my friends that were "straight" in high school are gay now too.
And of course... that they're always right.
As Hannah Montana once said, "Nobody's perfect." Yes, mom and dad - that does include you too!