The 12 Best Halloween Movies To Watch In September | The Odyssey Online
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The 12 Best Halloween Movies To Watch In September

Everything To Make You Say "This is Halloween"...

The 12 Best Halloween Movies To Watch In September

If you're a Halloween junkie like me, then you know it's common sense that watching scary movies before, during, and after the month of October is imperative. Nothing is better to get you in the holiday spirit than to indulge in some spooky films, although sometimes the toughest part about it is narrowing it down. Here's a list of my personal top 12 chillers that will leave you hype for the Halloween holiday and absolutely terrified.

12. The Rocky Horror Picture Show

I mean alright, it's not scary but it's campy...and let's face it who doesn't love that.

11. The Nightmare Before Christmas


10. The Strangers

This 2009 jump scare flick starring Liv Tyler is one of the most underrated movies EVER in my opinion. Super suspenseful and "based on a true story," this one will most definitely have you peeking around corners and looking out windows for some time afterwards.

9. Halloweentown

Were you even a child if you didn't LOVE Halloweentown? This 90's Disney Channel classic is a great time all around, and not to mention packed with sentimental value.

8. The Shining

Would it be a list of scary movies if a Stephen King story wasn't featured? While The Shining is by no means the most scary on here, this Jack Nicholson extravaganza is a top tier psych thriller that leaves you discovering new things every time you watch it.

7. Nightmare On Elm Street

Freddy Krueger? I mean yeah okay, but old school Johnny Depp has more appeal for me with this one.

6. Goodnight, Mommy

This new German flick is a gem amongst the lackluster heap of recent scary movies. If you don't mind some subtitles, this one is a great time with a pretty rad plot twist that will get you thinking.

5. The Conjuring/Conjuring 2

These "true story" case files of Ed and Lorraine Warren have paved their way as some of the most buzzed about horror films in recent years. Each of the installments have a wild supernatural plot line that will have you keeping all the lights on for at least a week. If you ask me, the second one is even better than the first.

4. The Babadook

If you haven't heard of this one then you were definitely living under a rock this past year. This bizarre Australian horror flick about a haunting storybook character is a wild ride from start to finish and is a great one to watch in a group.

3. Psycho

I'd definitely be a pleb if I didn't include at least one Hitchcock film. While Psycho is (obviously) the most known, any of his masterpieces is a surefire way to guarantee a true Halloween scare.

2. Halloween

This cult classic has a title that says it all. The Michael Myers trilogy has gone on as long as it has for a reason, and once again this one is great watch-with-friends type of flick.

1. Hocus Pocus

This one may just be the kid in me talking but I have yet to meet a person that doesn't adore this movie.

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