Bonus: Town and Gown Bistro | The Odyssey Online
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12 Best Places For An Energy Refresh At Purdue

A definitive ranking of the best places to get coffee at Purdue University!


If you're anything like I was when I visited colleges during my senior year of high school, you have to know where the best coffee shops are. At every school I toured, I asked about caffeine hot-spots. Purdue definitely has some of the best--hence why I chose to attend Purdue (Just kidding! It's actually a great university). So whether you're a student here at Purdue or just browsing for future reference, here are 12 places that can certainly satisfy that coffee craving of yours!

1. Greyhouse Coffee & Supply Co.

Greyhouse is basically a staple of Purdue. They have crepes, macarons, and so many coffee options. Try the London Fog! It's phenomenal.

2. Copper Moon Coffee

Copper Moon is a great, locally owned coffee shop. There is also one in Lafayette! I suggest getting the lavender vanilla latte.

3. Starbucks (in Third Street Suites)

Okay, obviously Starbucks is everywhere. It's not uncommon. This Starbucks is the cleanest on campus, but it's about a 20 minute walk for me from where I live.

4. Vienna Espresso Bar & Bakery

I'm biased in loving Vienna because this is where I had my first date with my soon-to-be husband. However, Vienna has so many different drink and food options, and they're all fantastic!

5. Starbucks (in the Purdue Memorial Union--PMU)

This is my least favorite Starbucks of the two, but it happens to be the closest to where I live. It is still decent and provides all of the typical food and drink options, but it does happen to be extremely busy all the time.

6. Einstein Bros. Bagels

Einstein's is one of my favorite places to go for lunch. One of my favorite drinks that they have is their new version of a peppermint mocha. Their coffee is also great!

7. Amelia’s (in Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering)

Amelia's is basically a little Starbucks forced into a regular cafe. I highly recommend going here for a quick drink and snack!

8. Au Bon Pain (in Wilmeth Active Learning Center--WALC)

This place has every type of snack you can image and a few different types of coffee. It's great if you have 10 minutes to spare before class, but be aware that it is typically busy.

9. UnderGrounds (in John W. Hicks Undergraduate Library)

UnderGrounds is a lesser known coffee place on campus. It's actually technically kind of in Stewart Center, so unless you have a class near here, it is a bit of a walk.

10. The Bistro (in Rawls Hall)

This place is great. It's usually quiet since people are studying. Last year, I went almost every single day during my lunch break.

11. Another Broken Egg Cafe

If you've got a few hours to spare, definitely go to Another Broken Egg for brunch! The food is great, and there are lots of different options.

12. Oasis Café (in the PMU)

This falls last on my list because there are very few options for coffee, but it's good if you're in a rush and don't really need a peppermint Swiss pumpkin hot chocolate with an extra splash of caramel (or something crazy like that).

Bonus: Town and Gown Bistro

While this is a bit of a walk/drive from campus, I can't resist throwing it in here. I cannot recommend Town and Gown enough. They have wonderful food and so many coffee options. It's in a tiny building next to McDonald's on South Street. Parking is tough, but if you can figure it out, you cannot miss this place!

Hopefully, you are able to find something spectacular to enjoy at each cafe, but if not, plain coffee gets the job done just as easily as your beloved peppermint mocha!

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