12 Beautiful Hiking Trails In Maryland And West Virginia
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12 Beautiful Hiking Trails In Maryland And West Virginia

When you're climbing a mountain, waiting won't make it any smaller.

12 Beautiful Hiking Trails In Maryland And West Virginia

I've become a pretty avid hiker within the last two years. During these two years, I've been to some very incredible places. Living in Baltimore, it can be hard to find hiking trails within a reasonable driving distance. However, if you are willing to drive a few hours for a day trip, these hikes are perfect for you. Here are 12 of my very favorite hiking trails between Maryland and West Virginia ranked from easiest to most difficult!

1. High Rock (Cascade, MD)

High Rock is a fairly simple hike; if you consider it a hike. High Rock is a great spot to stop and enjoy a few hours of the beautiful view. This is the best spot for someone who isn't big into hiking considering you can drive right up to the rock. The tricky part is navigating around it to find the best picture spot. So, if you'd like a scenic view for a picnic, come here!

2. Blackwater Falls (Davis, WV)

Blackwater Falls State Park, located near Davis, West Virginia, has one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the state. The best part? There's a walkway down to this view of the waterfall. For extra adventure, there are trails surrounding the state park that lead you to better views. Including a dried up stream that takes you scaling down the side of a cliff to the river. The pathway makes this hike easy; go on the surrounding trail and your level of difficulty increases.

3. Dolly Sods Wilderness: Bear Rocks Preserve (Monogahela National Forest, WV)

This absolutely beautiful spot looks over the Monongahela National Forest. The hike itself is very short and leads you over some rocks to get out to the edge. However, there are surrounding trails that lead you on hikes up to ten miles! IF you want a full day full of adventure, head on over to Dolly Sods Wilderness, but be aware that the drive into and out of the wilderness area will be the toughest trek of the day!

4. Susquehanna State Park (Havre de Grace, MD)

Susquehanna State Park in MD is a great place to see some very still water while walking a fairly simple loop around the grounds. Depending on when you go, the trails could be a tad muddy or some trees could be down. One of the trails is along an old railroad track that runs directly next to the water. It's very easy to find scenic spots and take some great pictures!

5. Swallow Falls State Park (Oakland, MD)

Swallow Falls State Park has four different waterfalls in one loop around the grounds. It is a great spot to take about a two mile loop and hop in when you get hot! Very open to families and pet friendly. The park also offers overnight camping. All together, it's a great spot to spend the day.

6. Cascade Falls (Ellicott City, MD)

Cascade Falls is located in Ellicott City, Maryland in Patapsco Valley State Park. This trail is a short one to the waterfall, which isn't too big, but it's still a fun hike. The park itself has parking which is directly next to the Cascade Trail entrance. However, if you park anywhere else, you can stretch a .25 mile hike into a 3 mile round trip. This park is also extremely family and pet friendly, so plan for a day worth of fun!

7. Rocks State Parks (Rocks, MD)

One of the most popular hiking spots in Baltimore, Rocks State Park is widely known for this famous picture spot: King and Queen's Seat. If you're adventurous enough to go all the way to the edge then be very careful! This peak has an altitude of 190 feet. The hike to the King and Queen's Seat is about half a mile, but it could feel longer since it has some steep inclines on the way.

8. Catoctin Mountain Park (Thurmont, MD)

Catoctin Mountain park is famous for these two views of Wolf Rock and Chimney Rock. The hike to both rocks is about five miles back and forth, but if you do the full loop of the park you are looking at a lot more ground. This is the type of hike to take a backpack full of water on!

9. Sugarloaf Mountain (Frederick, MD)

Perhaps one of my absolute favorite hikes, Sugarloaf Mountain is a whopping 1200 foot altitude. There are two sides of the mountain with clear hiking trails. The East side is a 5 mile loop, while the West side is a .25 mile hike straight up the side of the mountain. Whichever you choose, you will end up with a beautiful view at the summit!

10. Weverton Cliffs (Sandy Hook, MD)

This hike is hard to pinpoint exactly where it starts. When I went, I parked my car at a park and ride and walked down a residential street until I found a trail marker. Scaling up the switchbacks can be very tiring, but it is incredibly rewarding. Once you make it up to the top, hang your hammock and take it easy. Enjoy the view!

11. Seneca Rocks (Seneca Rocks, WV)

For one of the most beautiful views of West Virginia, the Seneca Rocks trail is the best. It is an extremely well made trail. There are even stairs and section with a bridge over top of water. There are a lot of switchbacks, making this a lengthy trail, but it is very rewarding. The altitude gets up to 3,000 ft. depending on if you go out on the rocks or not. There is also a scenic view with a deck built before the rocks which is good for families and pets.

12. Great Falls: Billy Goat Trail (Potomac, MD)

The most difficult trail I've been on so far, Billy Goat Trail has warning signs posted in multiple locations about it's rough terrain. The reason this trail is so difficult is the constant incline and decline of altitude. There is also one section with a 40 ft. rock climbing experience. Make sure to bring plenty of water because one bottle will not suffice. The trail itself is about a mile and a quarter, but the trail start is about a mile away from parking at the C&O Canal. This trail might be difficult, but it leads you to beautiful parts of the Potomac River. Great Falls also has tons of beautiful scenic overlooks that require little to no walking.

Happy Hiking!

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