Our world has been tarnished with words and actions of hate over the last couple of years. Life is hard enough without people hating and fighting with each other. It's our job to make things right and be spread kindness.
1. Compliment a stranger
If you like someones makeup, shirt, shoes, etc. Don't be afraid to tell them. You never know what kind of day they're having and by complimenting them, you're making them feel good.
2. Buy the meal/drink for the person behind you
We've all seen the stories of a mass chain of this happing. It's honestly such a kind gesture. If you are able to, try this one and see the difference you can make.
3. Smile at someone on the street
Such a small act can go so a long way. Smiling is simple and if you smile more, other people will too and then we'll all be smiling
4. Hold the door for someone
I was taught to always hold the door if the person behind me was at an appropriate distance. It's just rude if you walk through the door and then don't hold it for the person in back of you because it'll close right on them.
5. Help someone across the street
Simple, but effective. If you see someone in need of assistance (for whatever reason), simply ask if they need help. If they say yes, go for it. If not, just say ok and move on.
6. Tell someone (discretely) if they have something in their teeth or in their hair
This one might seem strange, people don't necessarily see this as an act of kindness but if I had something in my teeth, I'd want someone to tell me instead of walking around with a piece of spinach in my mouth all day. If you say it nicely and quietly (not everyone needs to know), it'll be much appreciated.
7. Offer to help someone in a class you have together
This might sound like social suicide because normally you don't ask someone if they need help in class. Why that is, I'm not sure. Everyone needs help sometimes and often people are just afraid to ask for it.
8. If someone apologizes for the wait, even if you're in a hurry say "Thank you, have a good one!". They're doing the best they can
This is a big one. If you're in Starbucks and there's a million people in there and the barista is running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, have some patience. You're not the only one in a hurry or that needs to get somewhere. The employees are doing their best, have some compassion.
9. Send someone mail
I don't know about the rest of you but I LOVE getting mail. It's one of the nicest things someone can do for me. Mail is just a little gesture that can surprise someone and make their day!
10. Don't be a bystander
This is a huge one. Too often, I see stories of someone being attacked and everyone just walking by and looking. If you see something, say something. If the situation is safe enough, step in. You might be saving someones life. And think to yourself, if you were god forbid in that situation, wouldn't you want someone to help you too?
11. Say please and thank you
This is a small thing that A LOT of people forget to do. It's simple manners people. If the waiter comes to fill your water, say thank you. It's not too hard and it's a simple way to show your appreciation.
12. Do your best to be a positive force in the world
We are surrounded by constant negativity day in and day out. Try as hard as you can to bring positive vibes to the world because we all know that's what our earth needs right now.