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3 Ways To Enjoy Your Holiday

Cozy, comfort and entertainment

3 Ways To Enjoy Your Holiday

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Well, well these times called the holidays have arrived and we are all planning quickly so that we may enjoy our big day which is Christmas. I don't know about anyone else but myself and my family, we've had our taste of turkey and ham, now we are planning a morning filled with delicious sweets, music, and all around coziness. I am going to enjoy my holiday and I want you all to enjoy yours to so here's three ideas of how to have a delightful holiday.

Great Company

​Home Theater

So the holidays are a time of cheer, happiness, comfort, generosity and most importantly love. I feel that a great way to spend this time is with great company to avoid confrontation and bring in the great vibes.



Great vibes and great food are a definite way to enjoy the holidays. I believe this is a great opportunity for a cheat day to enjoy a great hearty breakfast meal. I myself would suggest eggs, waffles, your favorite fruit, chocolate waffles for the kids or how about a tasty breakfast casserole.

A Christmas Story

​A Christmas Story

Okay and now but not least A Christmas Story. Your favorite holiday movie to watch on Christmas every year I do believe the channel is TBS . A Christmas Story is filled with such hilarious laughs and very memorable moments. Like when the father gets the Infamous leg lamp, fragile and I'm laughing to myself while writing . A story that surrounds the world of a 12 year old young man who wants nothing but a red rifle for Christmas which he will learn a very very important lesson which we always see in the movie. But we are very entertained by the characters surrounding Ralphie including his father and his friends. " You'll shoot you're eye out kid the greatest holiday movie ever made and I will argue this movie is definitely a great way to enjoy the holidays with great food comforting vibes and good people. So check it out, I double dog dare ya!

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