Hopefully I will be the kind of parent that my Mom and Dad are to me: loving, caring, concerned, and helpful. They never let me cry alone, never missed a recital, and always taught me lessons from their past experiences. They recognize times have changed with circumstances and culture, but the core message of lessons still stays true. Hopefully I will be the same parent they are to me.
I will teach my children:
1. You have a voice, make it heard.
2. Family dinners should be cherished, one day you will miss them.
3. Never pay full price for anything.
4. Shopping at Goodwill, Buffalo Exchange, and Plato's closet may be more fun than at the mall.
5. If they make fun of you for using a Groupon on a date, dump them.
6. Do not accept negativity at all.
7. But you do not have to be happy all the time.
8. I can smile enough for the both of us until you're ready to smile again.
9. Whatever sport you choose to participate in, I'll support you.
10. I strongly recommend dance, no matter your sex.
11. There will always be someone that can do something you cannot.
12. Make it a goal and strive for it.
13. There is nothing like the smell of a book.
14. There is nothing like the sound of a person's voice. Texting is not everything.
15. Call me when you need anything.
16. Be kind to everyone you meet, they all have a story too.
17. Never leave the grocery store, restaurant, or anywhere else without saying 'thank you'.
18. You always tip 20%.
19. Time management is key.
20. You need to find a balance between organization and spontaneity.
21. Good handwriting is a necessity.
22. Make sure to make a wish on every eyelash.
23. That goes for birthday candles, too.
24. Become an organ donor.
25. Learn and enforce that no means no. Rape can happen to boys and girls.
26. Sadly, you need to learn self defense.
27. Sadly, you will be shamed for eating the extra slice of pizza, do it anyways.
28. You should not care about having a little extra weight, you should care about being and feeling healthy.
29. Starvation is never the answer.
30. Diet pills are a joke. Classic diet and exercise is the right way to lose weight, if you choose to do so.
31. Never be ashamed to ask for help.
32. Asking for help does not mean you are weak.
33. Do not try and hide anything from me.
34. I will find out anything.
35. Occasionally wake up early before classes to get more done.
36. Treat yourself to a nap every so often.
37. There is no shame with going to bed early.
38. Getting a job at 16 is not for everyone.
39. Your full time job is your school work.
40. But if you can handle a job and add it to your school life, social life, and family life, I am in full support.
41. No full-time though, only part-time. You deserve to have some free time.
42. While you are under my roof, everything you earn at your job should be put into a savings account.
43. Do not touch your savings account.
44. Open a retirement account when you get your first job.
45. Realize how small you are in the world.
46. Travel is your way to open your mind.
47. Find beauty in everything.
48. There is nothing like a good, barefoot hike.
49. There is nothing like clean, mountain air.
50. Find happiness and a laugh when things go wrong.
51. Your culture is not the entire world.
52. The entire world does not have your privilege.
53. Your safe bubble will be forced to pop someday.
54. Road trips are a rite of passage.
55. Your best friends will not always stay.
56. Your family will.
57. Your siblings may hate you.
58. Everything will change with a little distance.
59. Trends are only trends.
60. Be honest.
61. Be blunt.
62. But recognize if they can handle it.
63. Delivery and place are key for bad news.
64. Crying is not a sign of weakness.
65. Never cry alone.
66. Surround yourself with positive people who care about you.
67. Be there for them when things go wrong.
68. Mistakes happen, know how to apologize.
69. Hating someone is a lot easier than forgiving them.
70. You will be more at peace if you forgive yourself, too.
71. Meditation is not a joke.
72. Yoga is not a joke.
73. Yoga and pilates is good for your mind, body, and soul.
74. Know how to change a tire.
75. Know how a properly fitting bra should feel.
76. This is the only thing I will let you pay full price for.
77. Check your body all over every single month.
78. I'm sorry I gave you bad genes.
79. Sunscreen should be taken seriously.
80. You should be a part of someone else's world, not the center.
81. Gender roles should not exist. You both share all the work.
82. Do not forget about your friends when you are in a relationship.
83. Do not expect someone to complete you.
84. Communication, respect, and trust are the building blocks to anything.
85. If they cheat, they will do it again.
86. Get away from that and never look back.
87. If you want to break up with someone, tell me. I've had it all and can help.
88. Time will not heal everything, but it will help.
89. That girl or boy was not going to be your wife or husband.
90. You will forget the smell of them someday.
91. I can spot a bad relationship or a fake friend quicker than you can.
92. Happiness will eventually come again.
93. Love the way your voice and laugh sound.
94. Love your own skin.
95. Own your confidence.
96. Learn how to walk with your head held high, whether it be in heels or gym shoes.
97. I do not care which one you choose.
98. I will love you unconditionally no matter what you choose to be, who you choose to love, or how you want to live your life.
99. Do not let someone make you doubt the way you feel.
100. I will guide you throughout your life of what I think is best.
101. But I do not know everything.
102. You do not either.
103. College is a time to explore.
104. Choose a major that will get you the career you dream of.
105. Your interests will change, maybe your major will with it.
106. Know the difference between learning to pass a test and learning for fun.
107. Do not skip class, ever. I mean it.
108. You will have doubts if this is the best path for you.
109. Your academic advisors are life savers. Listen to them.
110. You do not have to participate in the hookup culture or drinking.
111. STDs and STIs are no laughing matter.
112. You will get the HPV vaccine no matter your sex.
113. You determine your own attitude on life.
114. Be kind, love with an open heart, and have humility.
115. Always remember where you came from.