1. I will lose weight, but after awhile it becomes exhausting and those cookies start to look tempting, and you give in to your sinful temptation and "forget" to workout.
2. I will be more focused on my studies, the age old promise. But alas, you're just on your month long break high, once school starts you realize no matter how much you focus, it will still kick you in the butt.
3. I will be more active, ha.
4. I will save money, which is great but then you think of all the things you wanted around Christmas and your mind goes back to your Amazon wish list.
5. I will give less time to social media, this is a classic and lasts all of one day because this addiction is not easily broken.
6. I will read more, and with each book you try to read, you become more tired and less focused and waste time that you could be "exercising" or "focused on studies"
7. I will learn a new language, after fumbling through this for a good while you realize you don't even know your own native language that well and you should probably work on that
8. I will work on myself, New Year, New ME. This usually starts with a little self hatred as you look for all the parts of you that could be fixed, but then pop music comes to the rescue. Lady Gaga assuring we were just "Born this way" and Hannah Montana reminding us "nobody's perfect," so you go back to your old self.
9. I will face my fears, you really try but five seconds into the scary movie, the music starts and you already ran out of the room.
10. I will learn to cook, after three minor kitchen fires you learn that cooking is deadly, and not worth the risk, and who needs to know how to cook when Chick-fil-a is open six days out of the week
11. I will watch less Netflix, it's all good but remember more Stranger Things comes out next year