Do you ever think that everyone around you is completely and 100 percent normal? That you're the only one with weird habits and thoughts that pop up in your head? Well, if you're reading this, you're not alone. Thanks for stopping by my article and watching me shed light on 11 of the weirdest things I do that nobody else knows about but me. Enjoy!
1) When I'm walking, I check the bottom of my shoes every hundred steps or so. Don't ask why, because I don't know. For some reason, there's this nagging voice inside my head telling me I've stepped in some side poop or done something to scuff up my brand new shoes. Bad habits get the best of me.
2) I roll my upper lip up enough so that it's directly under my nostrils. Again, don't ask why. It's something I've done since I was a kid, and it's just something that's stuck with throughout my whole life.
3) I swipe on an insane amount of deodorant. It's one thing to put on a good amount of deodorant so that you refrain from smelling like body odor when you're out and about. But I wipe it under my armpits like I'm washing myself or something. And then I'll even go back for more.
4) I sometimes measure the length of my sentences based off of each one of my fingers on each hand. No idea why, but it's almost like some type of personal game I have played ever since a young age. The goal is to hit each finger for a total of 10 words.
5) I constantly tug at my bedroom door to see if it's locked before I go anywhere. It may be normal amongst people to do it once or twice, but I continue doing it as if I don't believe it's locked. This goes on for a good 15 seconds before I finally snap out of it and realize the door is locked and that I gotta go! I know what you're thinking...O.C.D. much? No. I mean, maybe.
6) I wash my hands after every bathroom use. Even if I didn't physically use a toilet or urinal, I still wash my hands. Fixed my hair? *Wash* Grabbed a paper towel? *Wash* Checked myself out? *Wash*
7) Whenever I'm strolling to and from class, I imagine people, or even myself, jumping across different rows of buildings that I stroll by as if the imaginary person is some type of ninja or something. Don't judge! Imagination is good for you!
8) I enjoy watching weird videos on YouTube. Ever seen a video of a pimple being popped? I have. Ever seen a video of a scab being pealed? So have I. Ever seen animals giving birth? As embarrassing as it is to admit, I have....with some friends. Story for another hour, though.
9) At the end of the day, I like to stand in front of the mirror shirtless and just check myself out. Don't tell me you never look at yourself for long periods of time in the mirror.
10) I have actual conversations with myself in my head. Whether it's making a decision, taking a test, or just internally criticizing myself for doing something extremely humiliating and embarrassing, like writing this article. I'll even refer to myself in the third person.
11) I love using my finger tips to bend back the top part of my nails on my opposite fingers. Sometimes to the point where I feel a satisfying twinge of pain.
Well, there you have it. 11 of the strangest facts about me not a lot of people know, and not something I usually bring up in a conversation with somebody. I hope most of you can relate to some of them. If not, then I hope you're thinking of the 11 most weird personal things you do and enjoy when you're not around anybody. Because let's face it, we all have them!