You may have seen many posts online in which students talk about their majors, their likes and dislikes, and even little inside jokes that they may have; but have you ever read one about architecture? I'm not talking about all the bad memes you've seen online about not getting sleep, although those are true... very,very true; it's much more than that. Architecture has an effect on how your mind works and how you view the world. Here's a look into our minds.
1. Yes... We Really Don't Get Any Sleep
With a great amount of sections, plans, and even elevations, coupled with sudden deadlines, and last minute changes (like the night before a project is due), we really don't get any sleep.
2. You Learn To Sleep On Cue Anywhere, Anytime, And Any Place
Well, since sleep is minimal we have mastered the ability to sleep whenever. If we have the chance to sleep just for 20 minutes we WILL TAKE IT. Even if it is standing up.
3. Sleeping Is Always More Important Than A Night Out
Sorry to say it but we will NOT go out with you tonight. Even though deep down we would like to spend time with friends and family, the second that review is over sleep deprivation flows over like a tsunami. Give us a week to get back to you on those plans. BRB HIBERNATING.
4. Studio Is Actually Your Room
Again, as we go back to no sleep and loads of work, it is soooooooooooooo much easier to fall asleep on your desk so that when you wake up you can go right back to work. Or don't sleep at all that's cool too. Each studio has at least a blanket, small pillow, and/or fridge and microwave.
5. Go Looking For A Pencil But Pull Out An X-Acto Knife
You know it is serious when you are trying to find a pencil for class and it is no where to be found, but you never fail to pull out an x-acto knife.
6. Rhino, Cricket, And Grasshopper Are No Longer Known As Animals
The biggest LOL is when these animals are mentioned by people and all you can think about are your programs. Yes, yes we do have programs for architecture named after animals. It will never been the same.
7. Your Parents Will Always Have A More Social Life Than You
As sad as it is, when your parents call you to tell you all they did today and the only thing you can respond with is, "I have been in studio all day and you are the only person I have talked to."
8. When You Slice Your Finger With An X-Acto Knife
A cut so bad you may need stitches but the only thing on your mind is "How will this model get done for review." You might have just lost a finger, no biggie.
9. Typing Commands On Regular Websites
Our time is spent so much designing on our programs that later we try to figure out why Google won't boolean union, group, and move for us.
10. You Criticize Your Own House
The funniest thing is going home and looking around to notice how f**k'd up your house is and wondering what the architect was thinking.
11. We All Call Our Crits (Professors) By Their First Name
It is an architecture major thing. Do not ever call them by their last name. It is just "Jen."
In the end, when the passion is there, we all love what we do and would not trade it for the world... maybe some free time but, ya know.