Freehold Boro High School is an extremely small school in Freehold. It's a unique place because there are two vocational schools that function inside and a fifty seat restaurant run by the vocational culinary program. People who go to The Boro never forget the four years they spent there. Here are 11 surefire ways that you know you went to Freehold Boro.
1. You and your friends fight over which sushi place is better, Fusia or Oyako Tsos.
2. Cafe 360 is the coolest after school hangout spot.
3. You walked into town every half day to eat food and hang out.
4. You always wondered what it would be like to eat at the Five Star.
5. "Squat. Block. Hiyah!"
6. French fries and cookies during lunch were no joke.
7. BOTC always meant the seniors won, no matter what.
8. "Knee chopping" was the epidemic that only came about thanks to Mrs. Jewel.
9. The majestic oaks in front of the school are beloved by everyone in town.
10. You know at least one MedSci kid.
11. People from the surrounding towns think The Boro is actually "the hood."