Whether it's the beginning of the school year or you're just trying to survive the last few weeks, you will always regret taking an early class. Every morning when your alarm goes off, you question how important an education really is. Plenty of people seem to do just fine without one and I think the McDonald's down the road is hiring. Or maybe the hobo life is for you. Heck, prisoners get three square meals, right? There are some days that literally anything sounds better than getting out of my warm, comfortable bed. So for those of you who hit the snooze five or six times every morning, here are a few tips on how to make it through that dreaded early class.
1. Coffee. All The Coffee
2. Pick Your Outfit Out The Night Before
If you're like me, you probably try on 10 different outfits every morning. By picking your outfit out the night before, you give yourself a few extra minutes to stay in your warm bed.
3. Find An Alarm That Will Wake You Up
Unless you love the sound of your life ending, you're gonna have to get up and turn it off.
4. Don't Stay In Bed
Speaking of getting up, stay up! Staying in bed after turning your alarm off is a basically giving someone the gun to rob you.
5. Go To Sleep Early
I know we are in college and it somehow makes sense to stay up until 3 in the morning but I am begging you, go to bed!
6. Eat Breakfast
Life is always better when you're eating.
7. Have An Accountability Buddy
Have a friend text, call or break down your door to make sure you make it to class.
8. Do Your Homework
By doing your homework, you're more likely to understand the material you're only half awake for in class.
9. Participate In Class
The last thing you want to do in the morning is talk, but keeping your mind awake keeps you awake.
10. Use Your Skips Wisely
Some days are going to be harder than others.
11. Take Naps
It's basically how I survive.
Unless you are the luckiest human on this planet, you are eventually going to have to take an early class. Follow these tips and you might just survive.