The winter season has fallen upon us, or as I like to say... crashed upon us. #thestruggleisreal. It's so cold out that our noses are runny and our fingers are close to frozen! As much as well all enjoyed Frozen, we would prefer to not feel as if we can shoot icicles out of our fingertips. So what can we possibly do to make this struggle better? Hopefully these ideas will help you warm up after a cold walk.
1. Clothes straight from the dryer.
One way to warm up is to throw your blankets or clothes into the dryer. There's nothing better than clothes straight out of the dryer. It's fresher than "Fresh Prince of Bel Air." I dare you to try this! The only downside to this idea is that it only works short term... And if you own a dryer. But don't worry, I have more ideas!
2. Reverse the direction of your fan.
This is a pretty neat trick. Ceiling fans actually have a button on them that is meant for winter weather. Switching the button will actually reverse what a fan is meant to do. The heat will not stay up in the top of the room, forcing the warmth to your cold little tootsies. Remember to turn the fan off before doing this...
A lot of your cold problems in a house come from windows and doors, so putting a blanket, towel, or anything fluffy will help stop that wind from coming in. I do not suggest putting your cat there though, Mr. Muffins might be unhappy.
4. Neck warmers.
Back in the early 2000s these neck warmers were really popular. It's just a fabric bag with warming beads inside, but boy do those work. It's a fun craft idea too if you are very good with your hands. I used to love to heat them up in the microwave! It relieves stress too!
5. Layers.
It's true what your grandmother said, layers will keep you warm. Ogres have layers, onions have layers, and you should too. It's cold out so what better way to combat the cold by wearing a ton of layers!
6. Footie-pajamas.
I am a strong believer that onesies cleanse the soul and brighten up your heart. Because this is true, I suggest you go out and buy yourself a onesie. Sure you may look weird, but the comfort is all that matters. What's wrong with cuddling up in your Eeyore onesie when you are cold? Nothing!
7. Cuddling.Not only does cuddling get rid of stress, it also helps warm you up! Cozy up next to your buddies and get warm. Watch some movies together and eat popcorn, cure your coldness together!
8. Drink coffee or hot tea.
If you drink anything warm it will automatically warm you up. It is almost like that theory that if you have a brain freeze, put your thumb on the roof of your mouth. Your mouth is very sensitive to temperatures. You can also use the coffee or tea to warm up your hands and the rest of your body.
9. Take a hot shower or bath.
Showers are the best cure for being too cold. It warms you up all over! Just be sure to turn the heat up so when you come out of the shower you will not be cold. Don't leave your hair wet, either!
10. Exercise.
In addition to helping you lose weight, exercise can really heat you up. Trust me, you will be at your desired temperature after you do some burpees!
11. Electric Blanket
Three words: Buy. One. Now. Electric blankets are fantastic. They even come in the size of your bed so that you can put it below your comforter to warm up your bed prior to sleeping! Plus they have multiple settings, anywhere in between piping hot or soft warmth.
Hopefully these ideas helped push the cold out of your life! Stay warm!