Procrastination: a student's best friend and worst enemy. With finals week upon us, procrastination once again seems keen to enter our lives and distract us from important things, like that essay you have due in six hours. Regardless of how hard you try to focus, odds are, you'll end up procrastinating at some point. Here are 11 different things you might find yourself doing instead of working.
1. Coloring
Nothing says "I have work I'm supposed to be doing" quite like coloring books, which seem to appear conveniently whenever you're stressed or looking for some type of creative distraction.
2. Watching Netflix.
Probably the number one reason you didn't accomplish everything you should've this semester, and the main reason that you're so behind now. However, since Netflix seems to have a habit of getting rid of shows everyone is in the middle of watching, one more episode wouldn't hurt...
3. Online Shopping.
Amazon, Wanelo, Etsy, Redbubble...the options are endless. And what's a better way to put off finals than relaxing and spending all the money that should be paying back student loans?
4. Baking.
With finals comes stress, with stress comes eating. Baking is a perfect way to procrastinate and stress eat, if it's something that would make it all a little easier.
5. Take a Nap.
Now that the semester is finally winding down, you're probably starting to feel the all-nighters. Napping is likely to occur often, whether it's in your room, in a lounge, or while working on a paper.
6. Take an unnecessarily long shower.
Showers are great places to think, or maybe just to stand underneath the scalding water until you turn into a wrinkled up prune.
7. Doodle in your notebook.
Notebooks aren't actually for notes... they're for doodling when you brain can't handle any more information.
8. Clean your room.
Have you neglected cleaning your dorm this semester? Well, there's no better time to do it than when you have a massive work load.
9. Scroll through the entirety of your newsfeed.
It goes back far... Middle school... dark days... There's no better time to relive your awkward phase than right now!
10. Create a playlist.
You should have a playlist for every aspect of your life, especially when you want to get away from reality. Now is a great opportunity to create a new one!
11. Movie Marathon.
When's the last time you watched your favorite movie franchise all in one go?