HAHAH I have no doubt at least one of my exes will read this, so know that I am doing this out of the kindness of my heart y'all. Now that we started off strong, let me just say that I didn't put "to get over an EX" intentionally, I have had my fair share of crushes that either didn't know I existed or more often knew and simply didn't care in the way that I wanted them to. So, I'm writing this in an effort to help all my girls out there get over any crush, ex, or whoever you need to forget. I have the tendency to never show when I am going through it because of a boy (because I don't think they deserve to see me in any kind of vulnerability), but that is just what is happening on the outside. Breakups tend to suck, no matter the amount of time or the depth of the relationship. Any kind of change or rejection is never my favorite thing, but I have figured out a handful of ways that help me genuinely move on from the boys in my life. Now usually I save these for my friends and family, but apparently I woke up feeling both generous and shameless. So here goes nothing, 11 ways to get over any boy.
First thing's first - Wallow in that pain Girl
Sad playlists, lots of tears, just be sad. We can't get over it if we just ignore it. Talk it out with a good friend. Be insecure as all get out. Just be gross and sad and pitiful. I give myself 24 hours to act like this. Life is too short to do it longer than this (to be fair, if you were deeply in love I'd give you a week, but that is the max babe).
Ice cream and Greasy food Dude
Oh you got out all your tears? Let's be absolutely disgusting. Sweat pants and no make up and eating like your metabolism is invincible. Just pig out and let your favorite junk food make you feel better. Watching a good comedy while doing this is the perfect combo.
Make a List of all the Things you did NOT like about him
This is pure gold. Whether you are sitting in your room crying and journaling this, or whether you are standing in your best friend's kitchen screaming about all the reasons he wasn't for you, this works. Once you get started I swear you find so many things that were not compatible with you. I suggest not putting these in writing unless you can immediately throw it away - we are trying to help ourselves not hurt them, we are above that here.
Crank up that "Boy's Suck Playlist"
We all have one, and if you don't just search that title and you can find a good one. Listening to other girls get MAD and rant is so good for you to get back on those pretty feet girl. Whether its full of sad songs, angry songs, or bad b songs, or even a mix, it is so therapeutic. Other people have felt how you are feeling, and sometimes that alone makes me feel so much better. I follow this up with straight up girl power songs (usually lots of Beyonce), to remind myself just who I am.
Another list - Make a list of all the reasons YOU love YOU
Just because someone else couldn't appreciate you just how you are does not mean that you are not something to appreciate. Let's not drop our crowns ladies. He's not a monster, and you're not a gremlin, it just wasn't it. You are lovable and beautiful and worth so much. Who can see that in you does not change that. You have to see your own worth honey.
Watch Interviews of People you Aspire to be like
This one is weirder but it works. If the break up really sucks, sometimes finding perspective is essential to getting the heck over it. Would Reese Witherspoon really be questioning if she was lovable? Would she wallow in public over some boy? No ma'am she would not, and watching interviews about her inspires me to remember just that.
Get to the Gym
Work out that aggression in a healthy way. It ticks me off when I get rejected, and I simultaneously feel insecure. So I get my butt to a kick boxing class and let it out while also helping myself. The break up glow up plan never fails, I like to think of his friends seeing me glow up and realize what an idiot he is. After a while it becomes much more about me, doing it for ME, nothing to do with him. Once you get to this point, you are getting close to getting over it shawty.
Head to Church Baby
This one might not be for you, but it sure helps me. God chose me, I don't need anyone else to. There are bigger things in life than your break up, and getting to church reminds me of just that.
Hang out with people who love you
Being around people who love you is always fantastic, but it really helps when you are feeling down. At this point you are already on the mend, so looking around at your group of friends will remind you that one person's opinion does not change that you are oh so loved, just the way you are.
Post something F I R E
Hate to use that trendy term, but I needed to be clear. Knowing your worth on the inside is what is most important, but getting a little extra boost from the outside never hurts. Also, to post something fire, I tend to get myself all dolled up, so that is just a whole new level of bad b vibes. Feel good, look good, and collect the compliments from your friends like you deserve. It's fun I promise.
Obsess over something healthy
I'm talking exercising to get more athletic (not thin), taking up a new hobby (gardening anyone?), or even school. Throwing yourself into something that is good for you will take up the space that he once held. All the sudden you will pull a T Swift and forget that he existed, AND you will have had some self growth. You go girl.