Finals week is easily the most stressful week of the semester. Besides cramming for all your exams, there is also all the end-of-semester paper and projects that you still have to do. AH! Coffee trips are basically becoming a daily thing. Most of the evenings are spent in the library or breakout rooms until it becomes the morning. Even though it may seem like the world is crashing around you, it is still important to make sure you're staying healthy. Here are 11 tips to help you stay motivated and healthy for finals week:
This is SO important! A 2010 study at Stanford suggested, "The average sleep requirement for college students is well over eight hours, and the majority of students would fall within the range of this value plus or minus one hour." While this may be a little much for finals, it's better to sleep for four-five hours or even take small naps throughout the night than to pull an all-nighter.
2. Stay Emotionally Healthy
It is easy to forget all about your emotional well-being during finals. However, to be truly productive, you need to take care of your mental and emotional health. Focusing on the positives, taking alone time and even just talking to others to be social are all easy ways to stay emotionally healthy during such a crazy time.
3. Take advantage of on-campus programming
From "Make Your Own Trail Mix" to "Last Day of Classes Bash" to "Breakfast of Champions," there are plenty of events on campus that will help you get out and refresh yourself!
4. Stay Away From Sugary Beverages
While it's easy to just grab a soda from the vending machine down the hall, these sugary beverages can lead to the ultimate sugar crash. Instead, drink healthy alternatives such as green tea that have even more caffeine than soda!
5. Keep To Your Workout Routine
Even with things getting crazy, it's best to stick to your typical workout. Not only will it create routine, exercise releases chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. We all need a little extra morphine this week.
6. If You Don't Work Out, Go For A Walk
Even if you don't typically go to the gym, take the time to get out and take a walk around campus. The view and fresh air will do you good.
7. Say NO To Fatty Foods
Junk food is fast and easy and many students end up eating a lot of it while they're studying. While a little fast food now and again won't really hurt you, eating this every night can make you feel down going into your exams the next morning.
8. Bring Healthy Snacks To Study With
By stocking up on foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, granola bars, trail mixes, etc. when you go to study, you’ll become less likely to binge eat the unhealthy alternatives.
9. Drink...Water
Staying hydrated with water can help your concentration and keep you from overeating. It replenishes your body and gives you the necessary energy throughout the day. Sure beats a hangover.
10. Take Study Breaks
If you've been working steadily for hours, give your eyes and mind a chance for a rest by taking a break. You can come back feeling more refreshed and ready to go.
Everything will turn out fine. In 10 years you will not be able to remember these moments. You can do it. Finish strong!