You would be surprised at the amount of times people could nail where I come from. North Jersey apparently has their own language and slang that could be easily picked out. Here are 11 ways to tell if one of your classmates hail from Northern Jersey.
1. No one actually says New Jersey in New Jersey.
It is just Jersey. This is a real thing. When Jersey people talk about their state, they leave out the "New". They have lived there and as much as we are proud of where we come isn't that new.
2. No one calls New York...well New York
Northern Jersey people call it the city. To us, New York is so close that we can just tell people "Yeah, I am heading to the city for some shopping." It really is just that easy to pop over. Most importantly, we get to see that pretty skyline and still stay in Jersey.
3. It really is heading down to the shore
We don't say that we are going to the beach. We just say heading down to the shore. I mean, that is technically what we are doing. Since we are in North Jersey. Then people ask specifically what beach so everyone could get together and party.
4. It is Italian ice
It is a big thing with North and South Jersey. South Jersey calls it water ice. We call it Italian ice. It is not like we care what you call it, but if you are visiting the north and call it water ice, you are going to get weird looks. It is ingrained in us to say Italian ice.
5. Walking fast
You would see us booking it across campus. We are not running. We are not late. We are simply walking. We are used to the fast-paced life so if we are put on a campus where people take their sweet time to get places, it will look weird.
6. We are from NORTH Jersey.
We take offense when you don't divide Jersey up into two different places. There is a North Jersey and a South Jersey. Central Jersey generally doesn't exist to us and we doubt they even care. We defend our side with every fiber of our being.
7. Taylor Ham
It is Taylor ham, egg, and cheese. That is one way to decide North and South as well. We call it Taylor ham and they call it pork roll. Taylor ham.
8. We don't know how to pump gas
Some of us do. Don't get me wrong, but honestly, most of us don't. We never had to and if we never leave Jersey, none of us need to. So if you are with one of your friends and pull up at a gas station and they are confused when you are getting out the is not our fault.
9. It is called U-Turns
No one calls them jughandles. It is U-Turns. We become really confused when someone uses this term. It just isn't something we hear in Jersey.
10. We swear by Wawa
Wawa is our savior. You say Sheetz and you can spot a Jersey person by the weird looks they give you. We will forever stand by Wawa. Sheetz run? Nah, let's go to Wawa.
11. We aren't generally nice
It is not like we are always mean. Sometimes we are too sarcastic and we scare nice people. We are too blunt with our "I don't care" attitudes. Truth is...we don't care. It takes time to learn to be nice and with our walking aren't going to keep up. At least you know who we are now.