Although quickly angered by people speaking to me in English when I'm studying abroad in Italy, I can just as easily spot an American from a mile away. Here are 11 ways to be obviously American (without even trying).
1. Army green jackets.
Wearing one doesn't make you stand out as an American, but when you and your friends all look the same from the back...
2. Walking in a "pack" or "herd."
There's comfort in numbers, but they're also a dead giveaway.
3. Wearing bright colors.
Neon is a no-no
4. Wearing anything with your school on it.
Go Broncs.
5. A backpack.
It's like trying to convince an 8th grader you're a 7th grader when you're a 6th grader carrying a trapper-keeper.
6. Not wearing enough clothes at night.
I asked a nice waitress in a cafe for a suggestion and this was it. She said, "I do not understand Americans! It is so cold and they wear so little!"
7. North Face anything.
Just stop.
8. Your face.
That same waitress told me my blonde hair made me look American, but it's also our faces. Nice.
9. Eating dinner before 7:00.
Specifically in Italy we eat dinner between 8:00 and 9:00- I call it the college schedule.
10. Using computers in cafes.
Americans are known for computers out, headphones in, and a complete lack of appreciation for social interaction. Going to a cafe in Italy means drinking good coffee and enjoying the day- not screen time.
11. Flip Flops.
Not applicable in the winter months, but every Italian person I asked said only Americans would have such bare feet. Especially in the city, EVERYONE wears real shoes. (If you came to Florence and saw the amount of pee outside my apartment you would understand why).
So if you're like me, and get upset if someone can tell you're American- just remember that they will probably offer you a place to stay if Donald Trump is the next president.