We all have those days where we walk into our poorly lit bathroom and don't recognize the frazzled mess in the mirror staring back at us. Whether it be homework is taking over, a night out took its toll, or life is just simply not on our side lately, we all let ourselves go. So, sit back, relax, and try these11 things to kick the blah and get your glowing aura back.
Go for a run outside
Or even a walk if, like me, you believe that running is an evil version of exercise. The fresh air and endorphins will have you feeling great. There is nothing better than the high of a newfound fitness kick.
Try a face mask
Run out to any grocery store and grab a mask. They come in all different types so you can go fruity, minty, clay, peel-off, or any other version in your dreams. They will leave your face feeling vibrant after days of brushing off a skin care routine.
Hop in a cold shower
Freezing. Cold. The cure for sleepiness and the grunge feeling, the jolt of energy will liven you right up to take on your day.
Take the time to use toiletries
This does not mean toothpaste. Dig around your closet for that hair treatment you thought you would use every day but never opened, or that nice body scrub. You are beautiful, you deserve overpriced beatification products.
Do your nails
Lotion, file, cut, use a top coat. No more of the usual slapping on the same color over the already chipped polish. A nice manicure will surely make you feel like your life is together.
Buy new makeup
No explanation needed. New makeup solves everything.
Purchase a flattering outfit
Nothing makes you feel more confident than a nice new outfit that fits perfectly. You will kill it for days.
Have a dance party in your room
Nothing kicks the blues like cranking up Taylor Swift's old albums and dancing it out.
Drink a TON of water
This is the accretion to the saying more is not better. Water livens you up, clears up the skin, and makes the whole body feel great. So get drinking.
Organize your closet
Maybe it's just me, but my closet has not been clean in about a year. Having that perfectly organized would just make me feel like I actually had a handle on the rest of my life.
SO, no more unkept inner and outer appearances. Try these 11 things and then tell me you don't feel GREAT!