Looking back on my high school career, I realize just how much things have changed since going to college. Everyone is in the weird adult purgatory of trying to adult and eating SpaghettiOs while watching Disney movies. Here are 11 ways your high school self and college self are completely different:
1. Deadlines
Every due date will be questioned. Your procrastination skills will be put to the test, and midnight will be the most productive time of the day.
2. The Syllabus
This was pointless in high school, but in college this is the total opposite. It explains everything, from the way your professor grades to avoiding looking like an idiot by asking a question that is on the syllabus.
3. Money
Your bank account will be at an all-time low. If your account isn't in the negative, you aren't a true college student.
4. Naps
It will seem like you can't possible get enough sleep, and a nap is the only way you can function throughout the day.
5. Netflix
My love for Netflix has grown since college, and binge watching shows is the only way to watch anything now.
6. Relationships
Once again, Netflix and your on-and-off relationship with Dr. Mcdreamy.
7. Clothes
Who actually dresses up for class? Let the world know that your wardrobe reflects your life.
8. Food
The .75 cents of ramen may seem like filet mignon some days, but you can't wait until this won't be your main food source.
9. Textbooks
You spend hundreds of dollars for textbooks, and most of them remain in the trunk of your car; at least mine are.
10. Emotions
The amount of emotional breakdowns that can happen are constantly on the rise. and your life choices are questioned. You then start to think about all the other *cough* occupations that would be less stressful.
11. Expectations
Your expectations for grades slowly turn into the mantra "C's make degrees."