At the end of every year I come up with a few resolutions that I want to follow. Usually, it includes going to the gym, eating better, all that typical stuff. This year I decided instead of making these resolutions that I stop following by February, I want to take better care of myself in 2017. Here are some of my self-care goals for the upcoming year.
1. Drink more water.
And stop drinking things like soda and iced tea.
2. Go to yoga more.
It's worth it to take about an hour to relax and stretch.
3. Go to bed earlier.
No more randomly staying up until 2am.
4. Learn to cook.
Actually this time.
5. Put my phone down.
Stop caring about what other people are doing on social media.
6. Read more books.
Rather read a book than my Facebook feed.
7. Get more organized.
Although I have a planner, I want to take full advantage of it.
8. Be more positive.
Look on the bright side of things more.
9. See friends more often.
Make more plans and do more things.
10. Spend meaningful time with family.
It's important to create memories with families that last a lifetime.
11. Have me time.
Just sit back, relax and have some mental health time.