11 Ways a Bunny Makes Your Life Better | The Odyssey Online
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11 Ways a Bunny Makes Your Life Better

Not all Fluffy Pieces Are "Fluff Pieces"

11 Ways a Bunny Makes Your Life Better

1. You have a road trip buddy

They may not seem like the perfect companion but who wouldn't love a furry cuddle bug who fits perfectly on your lap or chest

2. You have someone who loves you patiently waiting for you every day

What is better than someone who is excited to see you come home? A little furball who just wants her pets&veggies! There is something about coming home to someone who tries to squish her head through the bars just to see you come home

3. They are great cuddlers

Because who would not want a soft cuddly animal to watch movies with?

4. Unlike popular Belief, they're extremely clean animals

My little dust bunny loves to keep herself clean as much as I do, she also is litter box trained. Which is easier for bunnies than other pets. Just put hay in a box and the bun will follow! They will clean their face and fur throughout the day, just brush them weekly so they will be used to it when shedding season comes around!

5. You can hold them while you do homework

I am infinitely more calm when I do my homework if I have my Neo just sitting in my lap or chest. Yes, typing is difficult one handed, but I think it is very much worth the company.

6. They are super loving

I think one thing that I love the most is she definitely loves me as much as I love her, even when she's acting like the Princess that she is. That is the biggest relief throughout my day when I am questioning myself.

7. Just look at that face!

This was my little assistance Bun when I first got her as a baby at 6 weeks. She's bigger now but she doesn't get that big, she the perfect size.

8. They are very smart animals

So they may not be signing up for the same level of classes you are, but you actually can sign your bun up for classes- agility classes actually. I have taught my bunny to come to me when I make kissy noises, and she even tries to find my mouth so she can give me a kiss.

9. But seriously, look how cute they are

I feel like this picture speaks all the words I could say to you.

10. They help big time with anxiety

Just everything... Everything melts away when I hold my bun, or when she is feeling lonely and wants my love and heads over to me and puts her head down. The love of the bun overpowers all of my anxiety/depression.

11. They make the best assistance animals

If you asked me 5 months ago if I thought having a bunny as my assistance animal would change my life or helped me at all, I might have believed you a bit but would have had a lot of doubt. Now? She's one of the best things that has every happened to me, as someone who has Depression and Anxiety as a result of my PTSD this has been huge in helping me as I have been trying to find medication that works for me. No matter who you are, or how bad things in your life get, a bunny or any animal really can help. If you have any questions about it feel free to contact me, I'll always be here for all of you

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