11 Underrated Spots On UVa Grounds That You Should Explore
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11 Underrated Spots On UVa Grounds That You Should Explore

Beyond the Rotunda, there are a multitude of other, lesser-known spots on Grounds that are worth your time.

11 Underrated Spots On UVa Grounds That You Should Explore

As we settle in to the heart of the fall semester here at UVa, students often find that they hone in on a few places on grounds that are their favorite destinations. Whether these places be for eating, studying, socializing, or just contemplating life, UVa is full of charming nooks and crannies that are delightful to stumble upon over the course of your busy day. Check out a few of these spots if you're looking to change up your weekly routine or venture somewhere new to study on weeknights.

1. Clem 3

For some reason, I concentrate really well on Clem 3, much better than I do on Clem 4. Perhaps this is because there are always fewer people on Clem 3 to distract me from my studies. The room itself is also much smaller and less overwhelming than the vast depths of Clem 4. It's definitely worth a look if you're in Clem and need a change of scenery. Clem 3 is also the home of the Robertson Media Center, which is super helpful if you ever need to check out a camera or recording equipment.

2. The music library

The music library is where I spend most of my time studying during the day on weekdays. It's the perfect size and aesthetic where you know you're in a library, but you feel cozy. It's not sterile-feeling like many libraries; it's inviting and calming. This library is buried on the lower level of Old Cabell Hall, but if you're ever walking by the South Lawn and need to study, consider stopping in to the music library.

3. West Range Cafe

This wonderful spot is perfect if you're in the mood for a hearty sandwich, delicious french fries, or homemade ice cream. It's a bit non-descript, but it takes plus dollars and is a nice place to eat, hang out, and delay walking over to a library for just a little longer.

4. The Rotunda courtyards

These newly renovated spots on either side of the Rotunda are truly breaths of fresh air. They're tranquil, soothing, and almost like oases of beauty within an even more beautiful school. I am so happy that the Rotunda renovation allowed for students to access these beautiful gems starting this year.

5. The Nau 3rd floor lobby

I always get to Nau early for my 12 pm discussion on Fridays, just to have a little extra time in this gorgeous location. This lobby in Nau is airy and very inviting. If you can make it past this entranceway to just outside room 321, there are some very comfortable couches that are prime spots for gearing up for that history or poilitics discussion.

6. The gardens

These heavily Thomas Jefferson-influenced spaces are some of the most beautiful locations on all of grounds. With its serpentine walls and abundance of trees, a garden is the perfect place to study on a beautiful day. More likely than not, you'll be less productive than you intended because the beautiful garden distracted you from your work. Regardless, if you can concentrate in these serene gardens, and don't get eaten up by mosquitos, it's well worth your time to seek one out.

7. Rising Roll

This delightful cafe, tucked into the second floor of New Cabell Hall, has some of the tastiest, freshest food on grounds. I would highly recommend their Chicken Milano sandwich and their chicken tortilla soup. Rising Roll is a bit off the beaten path, but it's just a few steps away from the music library and serves as a much-needed reward after a long study session. I'm always surprised by how few people I know that regularly go there, but if you're looking for somewhere besides the dumpling truck to spend your plus dollars, look no further than Rising Roll.

8. The elevated walkway from New Cabell to Nau/Gibson

I didn't even know about this walkway when I first registered for a class in Nau this semester, but honestly, thank goodness that it exists. It's a breathtakingly beautiful addition to grounds. It also makes my commute from Nau to Monroe Hall that much shorter, and greener.

9. The practice modules in Old Cabell Hall

Many first years I've talked to were pleasantly surprised when I told them about these practice modules and hadn't previously known of their existence. For anyone involved in the arts, these modules are perfect spots for practicing monologues, instruments, songs, and vocal exercises without bothering everyone who lives with you.

10. The couches on the 3rd floor of Newcomb

These couches sent from heaven are perfect for napping when you need that midday or afternoon pick-me-up, but aren't confident enough to nap in a library where everyone else is studying. They might actually be too comfortable to productively work at all. But that's no matter, I always feel refreshed after a brief respite on the 3rd floor couches.

11. The McGregor Room

This room in the depths of Alderman, also known as the "Harry Potter room," is well-known for its resemblance to the Gryffindor Common Room. It's also an extremely comfortable spot to study, or relax, if you're into relaxing in libraries. Just be mindful that it closes at 11:45 pm on weeknights, so if you're settling in for an all-nighter there at 11:30, don't get too comfortable.

I could go on about countless other hidden gems tucked away on UVa grounds, but I'll let you discover those for yourself.

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