Ah, yes, the end of the infamous Syllabus Week. For some students, this is a time of mourning. But, for small state-school students like me, this week felt like it was never going to end. As I sat through each of my classes, I was constantly reminded about the fact that here at Shippensburg University (and other colleges, alike), the Syllabus Week that is portrayed in movies does not exist.
Thankfully, I was prepared for this week due to a similar experience during my first semester. Going into this week I was prepared for three things: endless amounts of caffeine, syllabus week (or the lack thereof) and meeting new professors. Honestly, I was most excited for the latter of the three. Meeting new professors is definitely one of the most important events of Syllabus Week. That first impression of your professor that you get in the first five minutes of class is by far the most vital five minutes of the entire semester.
As many of us know, a professor can make or break a class. Whether it be a Gen-Ed or major-related course, the person instructing the course holds ultimate power.
That being said, here are 11 types of professors you'll meet as a college student: