If you're a Political Science major, chances are you know someone that thinks they're the next Romney, Rice, or RBG. I've identified 11 types of students, in our field, that you can identify in your lectures. You know all of them, you love some of them, but you hate most of them. Which one are you?
- That one know-it-all in your class that always has offer his opinion.-Enough already! It is no secret that you know every dumb fun fact about every world leader to ever exist. Feel free to chill out at any point.
- The one that doesn’t really understand any of it.- This guy is always quiet. They never tell anybody what grade they got on the test. Secretly fails everything, doesn’t even bother showing up to the final.
- The one that really knows what they’re talking about but feels no need to brag.- Cool, calm, and collected. This person is minding their own business 1776% of the time and has absolutely no desire to hear about your political goals. They have their own plan in mind.
- The “don’t challenge my opinion” guy/girl.- This is the person that doesn’t believe in being wrong. They’re the one to yell during a debate because their actual argument doesn’t speak volumes itself.
- The “Why are you even talking? You’re all idiots!” guy/girl that sits in the back of the room.- Too cool for school. If there’s anything to know that relates back to politics, this guy/girl knows it. They don’t have time for your stupid questions and they belittle anyone any chance they can.
- The one that never does the reading but still attempts to engage in discussion.- The “fake it ‘til you make it’ strategists. (Refer to Trump).
- The one that’s extremely eager to take over the world.- They already have their campaign manager(s) picked out and they have no time for your games. They’re in it to win it and if you're not on they're team, you're in the way.
- The one that’s only here because they didn’t want to go down as an “undeclared” student.- They weren’t really sure where PoliSci was going to take them but they wanted their parents to think they were going somewhere.
- The one that doesn’t know what they’re talking about ever, but insists they always make the most sense. - Please stop.
- The one that has awesome opinions but they don’t want to be attacked so they just sit quietly, in the back, building up rage.- Professors look for these guys because they write awesome papers & kill the tests. They often always provide extremely moderate/vague rebuttles, in class, to seem somewhat neutral.
- The one that just interned for your state Senator, that swears he’s basically POTUS.- True life: I’m unbothered.