As you go through college, you tend to meet a lot of different people. Some of these people are great and can have an amazing impact on your life, while others, not so much. Below is a list of some types of people to keep an eye out for, as told by the main characters of one of my favorite shows, "Scrubs."
1. The Best Friend.
This person will be there for you no matter what, through all the ups
and downs, no matter how many arguments or disagreements you have. At
the end of the day, you'll always want to have that person by your side.
2. The One You Admire.
There's always going to be a friend you can go to for advice, and even
if they give you a hard time, you know you can trust them and that
they're looking out for you.
3. The One You Have A Thing For.
All great relationships are built off of a base of a great friendship,
so keep your eyes and heart open to the possibility of a friendship
turning into something more.
4. The Mom.
Every group of college-aged friends has the one mom of the group. Making
sure everyone is safe, has a coat and ate dinner is this friend's top
priority. And let's face it, where would we be without them?
5. The Jerk.
While you'll befriend a lot of great people, there's always going to be
one person who, for some reason, wants to make life a little more
miserable for you. Try to avoid this person at all costs.
6. The Trickster.
There will also always be one person, whether you like them or not, who
loves to joke around. Whether it's jokes, pranks, or anything in
between, this person will always be looking for a laugh.
7. The Competition.
In your major, there might grow to be a sense of competition among you
and your peers for grades, positions and more. This could start some
rivalries and there will always be one person who is your biggest
8. The Nervous One.
Adjusting to college can be tough, especially for those of us who are
introverted and lack that extra helpful confidence. Keep an eye out for
this person and try to make them feel a little more comfortable.
9. The Sass.
You'll also hopefully befriend someone who is full of sass (in a good
way) and cheers you up with their confidence and encouragement.
10. The "Cool" One.
Watch out for anyone who seems like they take every opportunity they can
to seem cool or popular. Odds are this person just wants to make
friends and thinks they have to act differently to impress everyone.
11. The One Who's Just Rude.
Once someone has been consistently rude to you once or twice, you'll
pick them out as the rude one. Try not to get too attached too quickly because they can make life tough with constant criticisms and