11 Types Of Girls In Every Friend Group
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11 Types Of Girls In Every Friend Group

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11 Types Of Girls In Every Friend Group

In every friend group, there is an array of personalities which contribute to the dynamic of your group. From quiet girls to girls who are the life of the party, somehow they mesh together perfectly. These are the 11 types of girls I have found to be the most common among friend groups.

1. The Hot Mess

The “Hot Mess” is the friend who is always down to go out and do whatever the rest of the squad is planning to do in the group chat at the moment, but is often running late or busy beforehand. Having fun anywhere at anytime is her top priority. She may have homework or other important tasks to do, but eh, it’s okay, she’ll quickly cram it in before or after the night. She always has an agenda that may or may not be executed in the way she wants it to. No matter what happens, her friends know that she can get herself out of any type of situation somehow by pulling some strings.

2. The Mom

Every friend group has their mother figure. She’s the one who watches over you and your friends wherever you go out and makes sure everyone is making good choices throughout the night. Similar to a mother, she will have your back by supporting you with advice on how to handle a hard situation. She is definitely one of the more mature girls in the group, yet she still knows how to have a good time.

3. The Extrovert

You cannot go anywhere with your extrovert friend without having to stop to talk to twenty people she knows along the way. Her outgoing personality is why people love her. Also, she never runs out of stuff to talk about because she’s so easy to get along with. When faced in new situations with new people, she is the first one to branch out and introduce herself.

4. The B*tch

Nothing you say or do will go past this girl. She has zero tolerance for anyone else’s drama, and usually will not feel bad for anyone else but herself. She is easily annoyed and rolls her eyes at everything, and anyone who crosses her is done for. If you get on her bad side, just beware is all I have to say. She’s confrontational and is not afraid to tear you apart while keeping a straight face the whole time.

5. The Promiscuous Friend

We all have that friend who is a little too friendly. She’s the type of girl who will purposely brush up into the guys at the bar and five minutes later, she’s pretending to be engaged in a conversation or cuts to the chase, by making out with someone in order the keep the free drinks coming her way. She’s the queen on one night stands due to every weekend is a new story consisting of where she woke up and not remembering so clearly how she got there.

6. The Brainiac

The “brainiac” isn’t always your stereotypical “nerd”. Everyone is jealous of her intelligence, insane concentration and ability to spend hours on end studying in the library avoiding all sources of distraction. She is the friend who everyone always goes to get to help them with their assignments because in her mind, it’s a piece of cake. Grades are very important, but she can also balance a solid social life, as well as, somehow maintaining a perfect GPA.

7. The Ghost

The “ghost” is the hardest friend to keep tabs on, because she gives little or no information on what is going on in her life. She’s still always included in your plans, but you’re not offended when she doesn’t hang out or respond to the group, and when she does, she always goes out with a bang. Even though she lacks in all forms of communication, you all love her, and know whatever she may be up to, she’s doing just fine.

8. The Drama Queen

“I am not dramatic.” is the classic line used by your dramatic friend. She goes out of her way to stir up drama, and always has to be the center of attention in any social scene. She’s not a complete b*tch, but more of a brat, because she is so used to receiving everything she wants. But, if something doesn’t go her way, you’ll never hear the end of it.

9. The One With The Boyfriend

Your group of friends either loves or despises one of your bff’s boyfriends. When making plans, and she says she’s attending, you all know that her boyfriend is going to show up with her regardless of her telling you whether he’s coming or not.

10. The Ditz

We also always have a friend who is just not with it half the time. “Wait what?” or other sorts of questions are usually asked after a thoroughly explained plan is formed. She’s your friend who’s phone is dead half the time and you can find her wandering around perfectly content on her own half the night while everyone else is going crazy looking for her. She lives a simple life by just rolling with the punches and doesn’t seem to care about the drama, and usually is the last one to catch onto news within the group.

11. The Therapist

The “therapist”, similar to “the mom” in the group is the go-to girl for moral support. She’s been there, done that, and experienced a lot in her short lifetime. If a boy upsets you, or makes you cry, you know she will be the first one to go up to him and yell at him. Aside from being defensive of her best friends, she is also patient and will listen to your long winded stories and help you find the best solution.
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