The difference of the student body in a gen ed class is far different the makeup of students in an engineering course. It is quite a unique array of students, one that at times can be surprising to the eye. Here are the 11 types of people you find in your typical engineering class.
1. The super nerd: Somehow they just get it, or at least they are really good at pretending that they get it.
2. The gamer: You will typically find a group up at 4:30 am drinking red bull, playing video games and their notebook thrown across the room, because they are taking a study break.
3. Wannabes: They try to be all calm, cool, and collected. In reality they are going crazy, losing their minds, and straight up weird.
4. Dropout: Within the first year, many of them will either switch to business, math or science major.
5. Girl, but wouldn’t know: It is unknown if they are a girl or not, so it will just remain a mystery.
6. “Normal” Girl: A rarity of its own kind, but how normal can she be if she decided to endure such a gruesome four years? Typically these girls are Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Industrial Engineering.
7. Stephen Hawking 2.0: I remember my quantum physics teacher addressing to the class, that there are a handful of students in the lecture hall who are the new
8. Mr. Perfect: Somehow in a frat, gets descent grades, president of some prestigious club, has a great job lined up, and is still alive.
9. Helper: Always willing to help out classmates because they get it isn’t easy; they also reap the benefits of teaching you.
10. Groupies: A group of students who know they will suffer in the class, so they team up and decide to either make it or break it together.
11. Lurking TA: Your TA will most likely either be empathetic or tear you to pieces. They understand what you are going through; they barely survived the grueling experience themselves. While some TAs fail to recognize the struggle, and only make your life harder, you can hear them saying, “This is the easy part, it gets harder”.