I can see how it is difficult for others to understand the relationship twins have with their double. Twins are so much more than just siblings; you grow up spending every day with not only your sibling, but your best friend. While most twins I know don’t have any type of “twin telepathy,” I often know exactly what my brother is thinking, solely because I spend every waking moment with him. Which is why, when it came time to head off to separate colleges, I found myself facing a new set of challenges. Each of these challenges revolved around the same problem: I’d gone 18 years with someone by my side, and all of a sudden we were hundreds of miles apart. So to all the twins out there who are finding themselves lonely for the first time in their lives, don’t worry -- you’re not. Here are 11 truths we’ve all faced once being separated from our other halves.
1. When you have good news you find yourself about to go knock on the door next to your room.
Until you remember that this is not your home, your sibling does not live in there, and chances are the people that do, don't care about the 300 likes you got on Instagram.
2. You are constantly updating each other on every moment of your lives.
Even the completely weirdly unnecessary, irrelevant ones.
3. When asked for an interesting fact about yourself, your response is always the same.
What's cooler than that? Nothing.
4. You basically go to two schools because of how much you visit your twin.
Did you even have time to miss me yet?
5. Most of your nights end in a FaceTime call.
Mostly these calls are made highly intoxicated, which makes for a solid, "I'm missing you," cry fest.
6. When you meet another twin you have an instant connection.
Multiple birth children share a special bond than those of ordinary single birth kids.
7. But when you see another set of twins together, you feel your heart break a little.
Warning: This may also result in a sentimental FaceTime call.
8. You feel like an only child when you come home for break at different times.
This is just a completely unnatural feeling, and should be avoided at all costs.
9. You receive the care package intended for your sibling at least once a semester.
Yes, mom, I'm sure you did "put the right names on them," I'm sure you did.
10. You finally have your own birthday.
And the victory of getting to blow out your own candles is a lot more satisfying than it would seem.
11. You know you'll never find a friend like your twin.
But you're OK with that because nobody could fill that role, and you wouldn't want anyone to.