If you know me personally, it is of no surprise that me and my dad are pretty close. We look the same, talk the same, and pretty much think the same (but it's not creepy, I promise, and no, I do not call him "daddy," because, well, that's just gross). Here are a few things that you have probably noticed if you're exactly like your dad, or even your mom. Being close to a parent is awesome, and there are a few reasons why.
1. You finish each others sentences.
You know what they are going to say and when they are going to say it; it's just magic.
2. You know exactly what they will order at a restaurant before they even choose.
You're a psychic, or maybe you just know your parent really well, but I'll leave that up to you.
3. You inevitably pick up their habits.
Trying to get the last word in, chewing on straws, you name it.
4. You think the exact same.
And you know that they know that you think the same, so you give them a smirk just to remind them that you can basically read their mind.
5. You would rather hang out with them than most of your other friends.
Hanging out and drinking a brew with your dad is one of the best ways to spend your time together. You should try it sometime.
6. You tell them pretty much everything.
Whenever you're sad, mad, happy, or particularly excited about something, you never fail to talk to them, and they always make you feel a thousand times better.
7. And they never judge you because they know exactly what it's like.
Chances are they have probably felt the same way at some point in their life, so judging would just be hypocritical, right?
8. You realize you have the same personality traits and you use it to your advantage.
Whether you pride yourself on the fact that you have the same personality as one of your parents, or just choose to blame them for all of your despair and sadness, genetics are still pretty cool.
9. You have a pretty similar taste in music.
Whether its 80s rock, Shania Twain, or the Beatles, you probably grew up listening to the same type of music, so clearly it's your favorite.
10. You know their mannerisms to a T.
Yup, this pretty much sums it up.
11. And people never fail to tell you that you're exactly like them.
And you couldn't be more grateful for the amazing qualities that you got from your parent, even if they do embarrass you in public and offer to pay your friends to hang out with you -- or maybe that was just me. Yeah... Thanks, Dad.