Some colleges have several roommates living in a place together. That can be fun at times, especially if they are boys and girls next door. One problem this can cause is ROOM WARS aka prank wars. There are several successful ways to win the war and keep the tensions friendly between everybody.
Here are 11 tips to take consideration of:
1. Ask who is actually participating.
It would not be fair to those roommates who do not want to take part and yet get the brunt of the prank. Make sure it's established who could get pranked and who can't. It will keep the peace with everyone and people will be really appreciative and grateful that someone would take the time to ask.
2. Establish pranking times.
Who wants to be messed with when they have to go to an 8 a.m. let's be real. Set times with your pranksters to make sure that no one gets pranked during an important time. It does lessen the "off-guard" approach, but it also doesn't cause people to be late or have to skip because they have to change clothes or even take another shower.
3. Set boundaries.
Make sure everyone knows what is okay and not okay. If you are paying for an apartment, dorm, etc., it wouldn't be fair to have your security deposit taken away because of the destruction of property. Eggs could always be cleaned off, but busting windows is a no-no. Keep it clean unless the boundaries say otherwise.
4. Once the war has started... you can't back out.
Unless you have a good reason to back out, don't ruin the fun. If there is a clear winner, then yeah, prank war is finished. Don't back out because you don't feel like it anymore. People would get disappointed and you never know, you might just win.
5. Don't prank your own team members.
If you are doing this with your roommate, do not prank them. You guys are in this together and are already going to get a lot of pranks. Why would they want to get tricked by the person they trust? Stick together and don't be a flop.
6. No harmful pranks.
Do not harm anybody. No one wants to explain why they are in a hospital because of a prank war has gone wrong. People want to be able to enjoy the fun pranks and not worry about getting hurt. There are a lot of ways to prank somebody without harming them.
7. No theft.
Do not steal each other's things. This is essential because once it is in your possession and something goes are liable. Like stealing a computer and dropping it. That is a lot of money out of your pocket to replace it. Is it really worth the prank? Somebody could also be doing something important with said item. You never know. If you don't want to pay for it, don't do it.
8. No bodily fluids.
What he said. Diseases are all around and while you are is gross. Just don't. This doesn't even need an explanation.
9. Watch for allergies.
Make sure you know who you are pranking. Do not use anything that can harm them. Let your allergies be known and know theirs as well. Like previously said, no one wants to explain why they went to the hospital. If you don't want to explain it, don't do it.
10. No harming animals.
Harming an animal is a sign of a serial killer. Do you want to be a serial killer? Animals are harmless and innocent and no innocents should be caught in the line of fire. Leave the animals out.
11. Have fun with it.
These are only tips so you can follow them or you can leave them. Either way, I am sure you guys are ready to have some fun! Happy pranking!