The countdown is on, and the clock is ticking: move-in day is upon us all! As a sophomore, I have the freshest memory as to everything that you are all going through as freshman because, well, I was you this time last year! You're probably feeling a little scared about this big change, a little nervous that you won't fit in, and you are definitely experiencing an overwhelming amount of sadness because you are having to say goodbye to the people who have always been there for you. But rest assured, everything will be okay! And I know that because I made it through, so I know you can too. And with all of the amazing memories I made in my first year at Ashland, there were also a lot of things that I learned. And here I am to enlighten all of you incoming freshman with some helpful tips and tricks to surviving Ashland University:
1. Beware of the purple stairs
You might be thinking "purple stairs?" Yes, we have a set of stairs on campus that are painted purple with gold railings and while that sounds amazing let me tell you, they are slick as can be in the rain and snow. One wrong step, and you're going down.
2. You will get sick of Convo
An unlimited meal plan might seem great, and at the end of the day it is. But somewhere between Thanksgiving break and fall semester finals you realize that you cannot do Convo anymore. So, words to the wise, keep some good food stocked up in your dorm room for those days when Convo isn't cutting it.
3. Ashland is the new Chicago
Everyone knows Chicago is the windy city, but I beg to differ. There were many times I thought I would be emailing my professor in the sky saying, "Sorry I couldn't make it to class, the wind took me to Kansas." So buckle down and trudge through because the wind is super disrespectful. (Maybe grab a buddy to help keep you grounded, literally)
4. Leave your doors open
I cannot stress this one enough! Not only will it help keep your room from becoming a sauna, but it will help with the making of friends. My floor-mates became my best friends because I always kept my door open, and they could always come in. So leave it open, yell at people when they walk by--it will work!
5. Go to the CAB events
CAB: Campus Activities Board. Their job is to come up with fun things for us to do and then put them on for us. It's free. It's fun. It's a great way to get to know people. So turn off the Netflix, put down the Xbox controller and go have some fun. At the end of the day, you will not regret it.
6. Utilize your professors
You are attending a university where your professors are going to know you by name, and they are going to want to see you thrive in their class. Use that to your own advantage. Many, if not all, of our professors have walk-in office hours that are specifically there for you to use. Don't be nervous to go to their office to ask questions or get help with material you may not understand. Trust me, they want your questions!
7. Go to class and work hard
This one seems obvious, I know, but you would be surprised. You have already paid to be in those classes so if you choose not to go, you are literally wasting all of that money. And when you go to class, really apply yourself. There are a lot of opportunities that come to students who excel in their classes, and when it comes down to it, those opportunities could help you get a job in the future. (And who doesn't want that?!)
8. Get as involved as you can
Greek life. Clubs. Sports. Religious Life. Student Government. The possibilities are truly endless with things that you can become involved with on campus and the more involved you are, the more people you are going to meet. They say that the people you meet in college will be your life-long friends, so if you really want to meet those people, then you've got to get out there!
9. Go to the things you already paid for
At Ashland, we do not have to pay anything else out of pocket to attend our sporting events or go to the rec center. You have already paid for those things in your tuition, so again with the wasting money thing, if you choose not to go it's a waste. Our football and basketball games are a hoot and half, and the rec is always an exciting place to be. So go and enjoy it while you have it because these years are going to fly by.
10. Support our multicultural services on campus
Diversity on Campus. Women of Excellence. Brothers in Action. Ashland is a diverse campus, and our diversity is what makes us great! We have programs that focus specifically on our diversity, and it is very important that you support them because we love all of our students equally!
11. Don't be afraid to find yourself
Above all, this one is the most important. Your college years are when you are going to really find out who you are as a person. You are going to change, and that is okay. You are going to struggle, and that is okay too. There is nothing wrong with coming into your own.
You have chosen and amazing university to spend these next four years of your life, and words cannot express how excited we all are to meet every single one of you and get to know you. Enjoy your time here, make lots of memories, and have fun. Welcome to Ashland, Eagles!