Whether you are studying abroad or simply going on a vacation to a certain country, chances are you are going to have to battle jet lag. I recently arrived in Florence, Italy to study for the semester. I did not realize how rough the jet lag would actually be, especially since I have never experienced it before. I did my best to adjust my inner clock, so here are some tips I have for you if you are planning on traveling a few time zones away from the one you are used to.
1. Wake Up Early The Day You Are Leaving
If you get up early the day of your flight, you will be tired by the time you should go to sleep on the plane.
2. Drink Water
You need to stay hydrated so drink up!
3. Avoid Coffee
While you would think that caffeine would be the best way to stay awake, it will actually just dehydrate you,4. Walk Around On The Plane
Especially since it is going to be a long time, you need to keep the blood flowing to your legs. You also are going to need to go to the bathroom with all that water in your system.5. Sleep On The Plane
Set your phone to the time of your destination and sleep, if it is night time there.6. Avoid Alcohol
If you are studying abroad, I'm sure you are going to want to go out as soon as you get there, especially if you are now magically the legal drinking age of the place you are in. However, please avoid alcohol until your body is used to the time difference.7. Keep Yourself Busy
Get it done while you still have some adrenaline in your system; you won't want to do it before you go to sleep.
9. Go To Bed Early The Night You Arrive
Yeah, you probably go to bed at midnight all the time but go to sleep no later than 10pm. Start adjusting your inner clock.10. Eat Food
This is the best way to keep your energy up. Plus I'm sure wherever you are has great food you can't wait to try.11. Go Exploring
This is another great way to keep yourself busy. Also why wouldn't you want to explore the beautiful new city you are in.If you follow these tips, you will hopefully be able to get over your jet lag quickly and be able to start enjoying the foreign country you are in. Have an amazing time!