Remember in high school when we had it all planned out? We were going to major in our favorite areas of study, get stellar grades and love what we do, right? Well, let's be honest, this doesn't always work out. Sometimes people get to college and either don't like their major or just have a complete change of heart. Don't stress about having everything planned out, and look as these tips when you're feeling completely frazzled:
1. Do NOT choose a career path based solely on its salary.
This was the case in my college situation. In high school I was dead-set on being a doctor, but only for the inference that, "Oh I'll make money if I decide to be a Doctor." Well, soon after studying my first semester as a Bio Pre-Med major, I knew that this was not what I wanted to do. So, I changed my major and it was the best decision I ever made.
2. Do not stress out.
Most people have no clue what they want to do with their lives when they get into college, so you're not alone! Just breathe and weigh out your options logically.
3. Go in undeclared.
There is nothing wrong with majoring as an undeclared student. It gives you the opportunity to explore various different subjects, and could help aid you in your decision. However, don't wait until your junior year to to so! Try being an undeclared major sometime in your freshman year.
4. Pick something that you're passionate about.
Think about what gives life meaning to you, and what you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life. I cannot stress this enough: Do something you love.
5. Do not base yourself off of others.
Not everyone is the right fit to be a doctor, writer, engineer, teacher, etc. Everyone has different strengths, abilities, and weaknesses. Pick what is the best fit for you, not someone else.
6. Be confident.
Don't let what others tell you about your major choice bring you down. There will be times when people ask, "Well what are you going to do with that major? There's no job opportunities for it." But there are so many options for almost every major you come across. Don't let someone change your mind.
7. Consider taking up a minor.
Minors can add to the amount of job opportunities you will have, and could also aid in your final career path decision by allowing you to explore even more courses.
8. Do some research.
Look up different careers and take notes on the pros and cons of each. This concept can help you get an organized idea of what career is the best fit for you.
9. Talk to people about their jobs.
The best way to learn about a certain job that you may be interested in is to shadow people who do it everyday. They will tell you what a typical work day is like in addition to the good and bad experiences.
10. Don't be afraid to dream big.
In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.
11. Make a thorough decision.
Yes, we can definitely dream big; but I don't mean get up, make a huge decision, and have no plan for the future. You should have a plan A, B, and C, then make your decision, because nothing is ever guaranteed. Be smart.
So, yes, deciding what you want to do for the rest of your life at the age of 18,19, 20 etc. is extremely stressful. However, if you take a step back, relax, and see your options, you will undoubtedly succeed.