Every school break, I remember always having the balanced response of excitement and dread about returning back to school. There's a very fine line between the two; there is so much excitement in the air for the beginning of a new school year or fresh start to a semester, but sadness that another break is coming to an end. That same feeling has yet to go away, even heading into my final semester of my undergraduate career. (Insert sobbing here). Being at home can be the best break, with Mom's good cooking, plenty of sleep, time to catch up on Netflix or regulating the workout routine you attempted last semester. Leaving all that to head into a new semester after winter break can be a challenge, especially if you know there is a difficult semester looming ahead. However, there is so much to look forward to with the new semester's beginning. People who went abroad or interned elsewhere are back on campus, being reunited with friends, starting new classes and all the spring programming that happens are awesome things to look forward to.
There is still one week left of this winter break, though, and making every moment count in whatever way you choose is important. Consider this your rite of passage for finishing the fall semester and gearing up for spring. It's equally as important to relax and enjoy your time off as it is to rock the semester ahead. Looking for ideas to fill that time before making the journey back to school? You could...
1. Watch a new show on Netflix.
Whether it's been on your "must-see" list for a while or something that recently caught your eye, watch it now while you still have plenty of time on your hands. (Tip: I'm watching "Parenthood" and can't stop).
2. Hit the gym.
The most popular New Year's resolution is to lose weight, but working out can be a lot more than just that! Getting into a new fitness routine while you have more time can help you to keep up with those Zumba classes or dates with the Stairclimber when your schedule gets more hectic.
3. Try a new recipe.
If you have free time during the afternoon or evening, try making a new dish for yourself, friends or family! Learning how to cook at least a few meals can be a vital skill out in the real world when you have to start fending for yourself — might as well learn in the comfort of Mom and Dad's kitchen first.
4. Go skiing or snowboarding.
With the cold weather finally settling in New England, the mountains are ready to go. If you're an experienced skier / snowboarder or even just want to learn, hit the slopes for a day and enjoy the time outside before having to hit the books in the library in a few weeks.
5. Go tubing instead.
Maybe the mountains just aren't for you or you're taking a break from the moguls for a bit, but tubing is arguably one of the most underrated winter activities. Grab some friends and head to local tubing spots like Nashoba Valley!
6. Find a rink for open skate.
Tubing and skiing / snowboarding not up your alley? Try another winter favorite that will only take an hour or two out of your day. Skating is a fun activity to do with really any audience, so if there's an outing planned with no concrete plans yet, why not suggest a twirl around the ice?
7. Read a good book.
Goodreads' Reading Challenge 2016 has already started — did you sign up? Even if you aren't ready to commit to reading a specific number of books in 2016, an afternoon spent on the couch with tea and a good book is an afternoon well spent.
8. Work on your resume.
While this may not be the most exciting use of the time before heading back to school, it may be one of the most resourceful. A good resume can take you a long way, and if you are looking for an internship or full-time job, having the resume polished before actually applying is a step in the right direction.
9. Listen to a podcast.
Also an unconventional choice, podcasts are really growing in popularity. The Serial podcast has me hooked right now, and others with the same storytelling quality are capturing attention across generations.
10. Catch up with old friends.
One of the beauties of being home is being able to spend time with people you have known forever. Take the time to really catch up with them before you all head back to school.
11. Sleep.
The standard go-to but never-gets-old way to spend time over break. Catch up on that sleep you missed during finals for the entire break, and then sleep some more. Then, and only then, you'll be ready to head back to school.