Packing for college is a stressful time. No matter if you are packing to move in for your first day in the dorms, moving apartments or moving into a new town for graduate school moving is always annoying. Here are some tips and tricks from one student to another to make move in not only easier but also a fun memory to cherish.
- Pack Strategically. Make sure everything is packed in a way that makes sense. Pack everything that goes together, well together! This way as you unpack there is no guessing where things go and a lot less moving stuff once it is already in the house.
- Check and Double Check before you move. Make a list and make sure it all gets packed. From your decorations to your clothes you don’t want to forget anything at home, especially if home is several hours away. (My freshman year I left all of my shoes at home except for a pair of flip flops and a pair of tennis shoes.)
- Bring extras! Walmart is a crazy place this time of year and you don’t want to end up there looking for command strips curtains. Pack extra sheets, curtains, tools and toiletries. These things go quick during move in time.
- If you do forget something don’t stress! Always look for other places to shop then just the Walmart. Remember to look for stores you may not usually go to like the K-Mart or Big Lots. These stores are much less crowded this time of year and you can usually find anything you may have forgotten.
- Decorating. When it comes to decorating remember to bring things not just for your bedroom but also for your living room, kitchen and bathroom. Even though a college apartment or dorm may be a temporary home you still want it to feel homey. The best way to not get homesick is to make your place feel like home!
- Move In. Move everything in as strategically as you packed it. Put kitchen boxes in the kitchen, bathroom boxes in the bathroom, bedroom boxes in the living room, etc. Pack the car according to the room as well, this way you can make sure that everything is easily moved in and put in the right place.
- WIFI! If you are moving somewhere that needs WiFi set up then do that immediately. The faster you can get the internet set up the faster you will enjoy your day of moving in.
- Make the bed. The best way to start decorating a bedroom is by making the bed. This sets the tone for the room. The bed is usually the centerpiece of the room so start there and then move to wall decorations, side tables, desk and so on.
- TV placement. Finding somewhere to put your TV that is both convenient and best compliments the room. I made the mistake of putting my TV on my desk after I had finished decorating everything and it just never fit in. Always see if you can mount your TV on the wall because it will take up so much less space and will fit in so much better.
- Get your roommates involved. When it comes to decorating the common rooms it is way more fun to have help from your roommates. Decide on your color scheme and go for it. Some of the best memories you will make is in your dorm/apartment so why not make them in a cute home?
- Have fun! Bring a speaker, pump up the music and enjoy the day. If you’re moving in to college for the first time remember that this is your parents last day with you for awhile so make it fun and memorable. You don’t want your memories of moving in being a fight with your mom. And if you’re moving in with friends have fun! Turn moving into a drinking game and enjoy the day! (But don’t drink and use tools! Hang things before you start drinking.)