Growing up can be fun, but it can also be very stressful and confusing at times. Starting to save money and settling down is something that is very new and you have to get used to it. You don’t always have your parents around and becoming an adult means having a budget and relying on yourself. If you have graduated high school, odds are you have experienced one of these signs that you are growing up.
Summer is not Summer
As you grow up, summer does not become something that is fun and easy going. Summer becomes the time that you have to work and actually have responsibilities.
Money, Money, Money
You start to realize that money really does matter and you can’t just blow it on stupid stuff. Growing up means you have to save money and become responsible.
Time Flies
You don’t realize how fast the years go by until you figure out that 2006 was ten years ago. Those Disney movies that you love so much such as the Lion King, Monsters Inc., and little mermaid all came out at least twenty years ago.Work,Work,Work,Work,Work,Work
You actually have to work and make money, because having a stable job is a top priority. Everyone expects you to have a job, so you better get on that.
Realize who your friends are
The friends you make in high school are not always going to be there for you over the next years. You start to realize who your true friends are and who you can trust.
School actually matters
Those grades will affect your future, so you can't be procrastinating and not caring about sure. Once you think about it, you realize that no one wants a doctor that failed their anatomy class.
You don't deal with drama
Leave the Drama in high school! Drama is so overrated and every time something happens, you honestly could care less.
Your classmates are getting married
This is real life! People your age are getting married and having kids. This makes you feel like you have to get your life together and actually settle down.
Calories matter
You actually start to count your calories because those low metabolisms that you once had are not going to last long and everything will catch up to you.
Settling downPeople around are starting to settle down and get married. Growing up makes you realize that you have to settle down at some point in your life and take responsibility.
Baby Fever
your friends having kids and realize that you want a baby right then and there.