11 Times Nick Miller Spoke To Us On A Spiritual Level | The Odyssey Online
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11 Times Nick Miller Spoke To Us On A Spiritual Level

Nick is quirky and weird, and so are you.

11 Times Nick Miller Spoke To Us On A Spiritual Level

We all have those moments in life where we are feeling awkward and grumpy but still somehow lovable. If you have not watched New Girl yet, you definitely need to get on that. Luckily it's available on Netflix, so start procrastinating and watching! It'll no doubt make you laugh, and you'll feel better after you watch an episode or two. Every character is funny in their own quirky way, and you'll probably relate to each of them in your own way. Nick can be weird and cranky but in the best way possible (if that makes sense). In reality, don't we all at some point? The number of times that you have felt the same way as Nick Miller may be surprising at first, but as long as you don't take life too seriously, you might just enjoy yourself as much as Nick does.

Here are some times in life we have all related to Nick Miller.

1. When there's a minor inconvenience in your life

It's ok to be a drama queen sometimes.

2. When everything seems to be going too great for you

It's just too good to be true.

3. When you start to actually experience human feelings

Feelings can be weird.

4. When you just have to let it all out

We have all been there.

5. When you can finally be your true weird self around your best friends

Don't pretend you haven't acted like this.

6. When you're actually a conspiracy theorist

Perhaps they didn't exist?

7. When you feel like you have no direction in life

Chinese food can be really good for the soul.

8. When you just don't feel like you can be a people person anymore

9. When you have to escape from awkward situations

We all have our ways.

10. When you have big dreams in life

Nothing to be ashamed about here.

11. When life is just too much work

Although Nick can be a bit quirky and weird, he is definitely easy to relate to. Deep down, Nick truly does have a big heart and cares deeply for all of his best friends. Although it may not seem clear at first, he really is always looking out for others before himself. If you get lucky enough to have a friend like Nick Miller, don't lose them!

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